Log Entry 14 // filtered from the Joker at a later date

Sep 02, 2008 19:47

Has anyone seen Lelouch around? I was wondering if he was still helping with the codes or was with someone else. I haven't seen or heard from him for a few hours.

Has he told anyone where he was or where he was going? Just wondering because he left something here.

Filtered to Lelouch // Unhackable
Lelouch, where the hell are you? I know you get my messages on the PCD. You can't just storm out like that because you're mad. I don't even get why you're mad but this isn't going to solve anything.

I get it. You're mad because of my joking around and I'm sorry. I'm not even really sure why you're so angry but this isn't going to solve anything. So get your butt back here.

lelouch is a douche

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