Log Entry 78

Nov 18, 2009 16:13

I hope to get this stable built before it gets any colder. If only building a stable for fruit cows was easier than catching them with the help of the cats.

EDIT two hours later in video:

Hey, guys....? I found a strange chicken while I was working on the stable. I managed to corner it inside of the structure and got it in a crate now. It sparkles in the sunlight and it's about the size of a golden retriever. Otherwise it looks like a normal chicken.

But it's got something else. Take a look at this egg it laid. I dropped it and it broke but...

[the camera shifts to a broken egg about the size of softball. Instead of oozing yolk, it looks like there's a fully cooked cheese and mushroom omelet inside]

I'm not crazy, right? That's not a normal egg.

((ooc: new animal that I hope can be added to the bestiary! It's a giant chicken that lays giant omelet eggs (all sorts though the type is random). It's as tall as a large dog and lays eggs the size of a softball. It sparkles in the sunlight.

The chances of getting an omelet or regular egg are random so sometimes you get the omelet and sometimes you get a regular egg. You won't know until you crack it! Bad news if you got one while wanting the other. They also run pretty fast and the reason why the cats haven't eaten them is because... CATS HATE OMELETS. They are forever enemies. Mods, I hope this is an alright animal. The omelets are not very big at all - about the size of an ipod - and you can't live off of them alone. I guess it can be called an omelet chicken or something... ))
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