WARNING! Spinning old guy summons Satan!

May 10, 2008 01:14

HOLY CRAP it's been way too long since I've given a life update, so I might as well do so now.
Well...where to begin...
First off, I just wanna apologize to Tracy. Sorry for leaving you high and dry for so long! I will be online a lot more often, so there's that to look forweard to, for better or for worse. :P
Might as well get the negative stuff out of the way;
After 20 years of marriage, my parents are separating. Again. I'll spare you the details of how they came to this desision, suffice it to say my dad was a jerk, my mom tried telling him this, and he lashed out at my mom, who saw fit to call 911, and my dad was hauled away, and there's now a no-contact order between the two of them. This all transpired a month ago.
There are a lot of little intricacies and details to the story, but that's about it. Now to our current situation; my dad was the soul breadwinner for our home, so with him gone, our finantial situation is very precarious. My mom and I are desprately looking for jobs, while my dad helps pay bills for the time being, which is nice, except that every time he does it, he puts on a big "Pitty me pitty me" act. And how long before he stops? Yes, poor you, having to support your family, boo hoo. We all know how you have to pay legal fees and lawyer fees and rent for your appartment as well. You brought this on yourself, you ignorent, selfrighteous, egotistical...
But I digress.
The real tragety ofthis whole thing, is my dad is putting on this whole "poor me" act, and my siblings fall for it like lemmings. He literally has them believing my mom is posessed by the devil, and this whole fiasco is all her fault, because she's the one who called 911. Am I the only one using their head in this situation? The whole thing enrages me. The sooner I can wash my hands of this, the better.
Well, enough of that.

I turned twenty this past month. 20. Me. I'm STILL having a difficult time believing it. My mom got me a Gamecube, and Perkel gave me his old Playstation. The former is awesome, because I can FINALLY play all the games I missed out on last gen, like Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine and RE4. The latter, while still awesome, is discouraging, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to find memory cards for it anymore. Anyone have any spare PS1 memory cards they'd be willing to sell to me? Anyone? Actually, Cody, if you're reading this, could you do me a favor and enquire after Terry about the PS1 mem card and copy of FFVII he borrowed from me early on during high school? I doubt it'll do any good, but whatever.

More recently, I've been playing a lot of DS, and seeing movies.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise; The World Ends With You is easily one of the best games out for the DS right now. Period.
I've seen Iron Man 3 times since it's opening weekend. Frikkin awesome.
I'm planning on seeing Speed Racer tomorrow, which I for one will prolly enjoy the hell out of because I'm apparently of a dying breed who doesn't mind cinematic cotton candy from time to time.

Well, into the abyss...
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