Snowflake Challenge: Day 1

Jan 04, 2013 19:40

Day 1

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

A Podfic:
Flip Shut Hang Up - by
twentysomething &
thehoyden - Hockey RPF - Sidney/Geno & Sid/Ovechkin friendship.
This podfic brought me out of a particularly painful slump. In November I had an essay, insomnia, migraines, period pain of debilitating proportions and general why do I suck???? feelings! I had to cancel on my father (a football game) to babysit, and the work was cancelled at the last minute, the internet and television connections failed so I couldn't even WATCH the game. ALL BAD THINGS! Instead I podficced this story and was SO happy doing it and Alex's voice was so FUN and everything just felt a million times better once I'd finished. This is the only podfic of mine that I have listened to for fun, listening to it soothes me and makes me smile and makes me happy!

A Rec List:
I have A LOT of podfic feelings!! If you only listen to ONE podfic in a fandom! A rec list of podfics (in my opinion) you should listen to, regardless of fandom knowledge or not. I tried to put together a comprehensive list, for people who like to listen beyond their fandoms (like me) or want to use podfic as a gateway to a new fandom.

A BP List:
2012 is the year I got MEGA enthusiastic about transformative works. I'm pretty proud of my Hockey RPF BP LIST OF DOOM list. I saw something I didn't like in a fannish space I wanted to make camp, and instead of whining all over twitter (well I did that too), I made the bp list, asked around and due to word of mouth and some good contacts, I got the list from 3 to nearly 30 (about 20 of those names were new people) \o/ Thanks for spreading the word should go to just-katarin
bessyboo and

snowflake challenge

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