I occasionally have incredibly unpredictable and annoying phases of insomnia. On Monday night I just could not get to sleep. So I slept from 7am-11am and then 7pm-9pm and then 3am-10am. This annoying sleep structure mean that I was lying awake, unable to get to sleep for a grand total 14 hours! /o\ Podfic saves me at times like these. For some ungodly reason, these times seem to be the times where I decide to try new things. So, anyway, I have some people to thank - or in other words
Intended by
new_kate read by
lunchee - Merlin - Merlin/Arthur - 2 hrs 9 mins.
Summary: Kids have crushes on teachers all the time. It's perfectly normal.
I dislike recs that start with, 'I usually hate x pairing/x trope...', but I was apprehensive about this story. I have a family member who got involved with her English teacher age 16 (he 32). I LOVE
lunchee so I downloaded anyway, unsure I'd ever actually listen. However, this fic deals with things in a believable way that mostly skated my personal issues. I super enjoyed the relationship between Arthur and Merlin. I loved how their relationship evolved over BOTH Merlin and Arthur's development. I like the idea that age doesn't actually equal maturity or self possession.
lunchee decided to alter her voice to reflect Arthur's age transition and it works extremely well. From the beginning (Arthur age 14) you can see aspects of the Arthur character we know and love, but there are hints of vulnerability and innocence that
lunchee pulls off AMAZINGLY well. I didn't find this podfic a 100% comfortable listen, but it was 100% an amazingly done podfic.
Charles' Killer by
hero_for_ghosts read by
lunchee - XMFC - Charles/Erik - 4 hrs 38 mins.
Summary: When detective Charles Xavier finds himself hunting down a vendetta-driven serial killer, it doesn't take long for him to realize he's in over his head. It only takes a little longer for him to realize his killer is, too.
This one had me on the edge of my seat and decided to beat my heart around for fun. So dark. So beautiful. I thought the choice to record the fics out of chronological, but in written order worked really well. I felt like I had to work a little harder, but it was worth it.
lunchee might not believe that drama is her strong point, but I DISAGREE so hard - this is absolutely AMAZING!!!
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by
JoeLawson read by
kisforkurama - Hawaii 5-0 - Danny/Steve - 3 hrs 40 min.
Summary:Detective Danny Williams is not what Steve expected.
The premise of this story is interesting, Danny is a 'mer' (specifically, a shark variation). I love stories which interweave a whole new 'mythology' with canon events. I haven't watched the show in ages, but I was thrown and absorbed in the podfic from the beginning. Steve and Danny are brilliant! It didn't take me long before I was going "can we please have soul bonding, please, please". The world building in this story is exceptional and fits flawlessly. I thoroughly enjoyed this podfic!
I've been thinking about getting a pinboard for keeping an up to date podfic recs account. Is this be something people would be interested in?