RL is EVIL, but here are my thoughts on Day 2&3 of pod_aware

Nov 09, 2011 22:39

RL is being Evil, I've been trying to finish some podfics for posting, and I only have a few thoughts, but here they are:

Day 2:
Blanket permission is a way for fan artists to let other fans know their comfort with others playing with their works. It's particularly helpful to podficcers when authors give blanket permission for anyone to podfic their works without having to ask first. To find out more on blanket permission with regards to podfic check out pod_aware on LJ or DW.

To the authors with blanket permission:

Blanket Permission is AWESOME! If you are an author who has made your way over here and you have blanket permission - then please accept my ardent thanks and love for all time.

You have made the my life and the lives of all podficcers much easier. As a budding podfic artist, it is easy to get intimidated by the process of choosing a fic, the process of recording, the process of editing, the process of posting. By having blanket permission you help eliminate some of the stress involved with podfic, as the idea of approaching an author unsolicited can be quite daunting. You are helping foster the new generation of podficcers! You, no matter how involved you are in podfic, are LOVED SO MUCH by the podfic community.



Oddly, for my first podfic I did not go with an author with blanket permission, although I think she has one now. I had my heart set on this one fic 'About a Girl' and I wanted to do it. I don't even think I knew what blanket permission was.

I was SO nervous and SO not sure what I was doing. I felt like I needed to prove my fandom credentials, I got completely formal, it was completely insane. Here are a few excerpts from the lj message I sent sunsetmog last May.

"Hi! I am a fairly recent convert to the world of Bandom (about four or five months or so), although I have been a fan of Panic! since 2006 (I saw Panic! twice that year, once at Reading festival where I discovered them and once again in Brixton a few months later) (...) I love all of Panic! with an intensity that probably does not befit a 21-year-old. The lack of podfic in Bandom distresses me greatly, and although I have never made a podfic before I would like to give it a chance. (...)

I am a Londoner, so the accent may not to be everyones taste (...)

Either way - you are one of my favourite writers in the whole of Bandom - continue forever please."

I'm pretty sure if she had said no it would have been a pretty heavy blow, so I do recommend that the aspiring podficcer starts with a story by an author who has blanket permission - or do a repod (but that's another post).

Day 3:
The relationship between a podficcer and author can be totally hands off, completely collaborative or anything in between. There are a lot of ways podficcers and authors can help each other, check out pod_aware on LJ or DW for more information.

I am of the opinion, that the best way to foster a successful relationship, is that everyone needs to be upfront about their expectations at the beginning. This way, people don't get upset/blindsided by something they didn't see coming, or didn't think was part of the deal/relationship. Sometimes an author you want to contact wont know what podfic is (this hasn't happened to me, but something similar has happened - again a different post - it is always good to be clear) or will be uncertain about the idea of podfic. It was suggested to me that a 'Dear Author' letter was a good idea, where you can lay out your expectations for a author-podficcer relationship. I got this idea from paraka, and I have used revolutionaryjo's post as a template, (where I also think paraka got the idea - but this is unsubstantiated).

Dear Author:

I would love to make a podfic of one of your stories. I want to do this because I love your fic. It has made me smile/laugh/cry and inspired me. I love it so much, I want to take the time to truly appreciate it: read it a million times, agonise over how certain lines should sound, and make a recording so I can have you fic to keep. I really want to share with the fandom community ALL THE FEELINGS your fic made me feel. Podfic is essentially a rec of your fic. What you have written is so interesting to me and I think it deserves to be shared further.

If you are unfamiliar with what podfic is, here is a link to the fanlore page on podfic.

I am never going to claim authorship. I'm never going to edit your fic and I will always give you credit and provide a link to the text of the fic.

If you aren't comfortable with podfic and don't want to give me your permission I fully respect that. You don't have to provide me with a reason, it is your work and I would never go against that in any way.

The only thing I do claim authorship of is my recording, the way I choose to interpret the words. In a sense I am like an actor (podfic is a performance) reading a script and I will make creative choices.

I don't expect you to do anything. You don't have to listen to it or acknowledge it, though if you did I would be really pleased and flattered. But, you would never have to feel obligated.

Here is a link to my podfic masterlist if you want to check out what I've done.

If you have ANY questions or concerns about podfic I am happy to answer them. Drop me a line here or send me a lj message.

Again, the reason I want to podfic your fic is because I LOVED IT TO PIECES and want to share that love.

Thank you so much

(I will give this it's own post later.)

Author-Podficcer relations as Collaboration:

I really liked the idea of pod_together, but at the time that the community was running I was STILL VERYY UNSURE of my podfic ability. Now, though I would LOVE to collaborate with an author on a podfic. I mostly record bandom, but I would be very happy to expand my horizons into Merlin, Inception, Supernatural and AI(7&8). So, authors far and wide who might be interested - please drop me a line.


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