The world continues to spin despite my efforts

May 09, 2004 01:45

Well I guess today is mothers day, whooptie do. I love my mom but shouldnt every day be a celebration of our mothers? Oh well makes it easy to concentrate it all into a single day. I am in a very pissy mood after reading something. Oh well hmm pissy mood and shitty mood are one in the same but yet a piss and a shit are far differant! strange. I finally told the girl I like that I did. I am anxious to hear what she says. I guess I was feeling very alone. I mean I have many friends, and many differant kinds but of late I feel alone. All my friends are hooking up or at least it seems that way. I "get" to hear about one of my ex's love life, let me tell you thats a real thrill. She is a great girl but darn girl...One of my best friends is likely to hook up with one of my brethren from DeMolay. I pray they find in each other something we could not. Speaking of which. Today we had a Halo tournament in DeMolay. I came out with a 1st place trophie in team play3 on 3, and on free for all with 10 people. and a second place trophie in co-op. So I did pretty well. I had great fun and we made some money for the chapter. I was thinking earlier today... I have written poetry often before, but i realized a few minutes ago that I have only ever written it about two people. Well before i met these two people it was jut random poetry but this year I have only written it about Rachel and Madeleine. Strange ... I wonder why. We have a band concert tommorow, it starts at 1:00 at the high school, admission is free for students and $3 for adults. I expect to see none of you there. I guess I am looking foward to it. I will get my band letter(high school jacket) and I always enjoy getting dressed up but I really dont care much for the whole playing part. Oh well I will blow right through it. Pardon the pun. Well I need to go and get my beauty sleep, who knows maybe it will work this time and i will awake beautiful. it hasnt the last 2264926 nights havent worked but who knows maybe the 2264927th will. toodle loos

Just plain 'ol love to all,
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