My head hurts too bad to come up with a creative title

Sep 06, 2006 18:09

[mood| shitty]

Being sick sucks. It really frickin' does. My head is throbbing and feels like it's about to fall off, I can't think clearly, I can't stop coughing, my voice is all screwed up, and I'm really hot. I also think I'm slightly delusional right now. I know I'm better off then yesterday and the day before were my nose was both stuffed and runny at the same time, my throat was sore to the point were I really couldn't eat or talk, I had almost no appetite, I was both hot and cold, and my voice sounded like it belonged to a guy.

On a more random note, I hate you, English 4. I hate you. You're causing me the most stress right now.
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