Tom Brazelton of posted a picture of George Lucas in carbonite
on his Facebook page with the comment, "I wish!" I responded with the link to the
Hateboys, the Star Wars 1% post at
Tom's response was this:I see it from both sides. Are "Hateboys" overly entitled? Of course. But is Lucas chasing down a dollar and producing mediocre work? Absolutely.
He's being smart about it, too - targeting the franchise to children to ensure it's longevity for another 30 years. In that context, adults don't have a lot of room to complain.
But just because it's for kids doesn't mean it should also offend the sensibilities of adults. You can produce smart content for both audiences - just look at Pixar.
Now, granted, he has some points, but I think he is dipping his pen in the ink of cynicism. I wanted to respond with, "Have you seen John Lasseter's office?" but I don't think that's a strong enough comeback. It needs something stronger, deeper concerning how much depth their is to the stories, that not only are they based on the mythologies of the world, but homages to movies of yester-year. Quentin Tarintino does it and it is called brilliant-art (not by everyone, of course), GL does it and it is called "mediocre work."
I'm not good in organizing words for a proper debate, but those of you who are, please let Tom know what you think and/or recruit others who are willing to let him know, too. I know playing this sort of defense is tiring, but it still needs to be done. The never-ending battle continues.