Aug 20, 2004 02:35
First for an update on the whole grades thing I'm sure no one remembers. I made up my grade in English and got a C. I still have an incomplete in Java for whatever reason but my parents are never going to find out. ::knock on wood::
Anyway, next I just have to say the people of the former Elf Only Inn message board are all assholes. Now I know why Sortelli blew up at them. They're morally corrupt, hypocritical, closed-minded assholes. And looking back I should've noticed the warning signs.
1. They practically worship Duckman. Not the show, the character. Yes, Duckman, the cynical, self-serving, irrational prick of a talking duck. The one you're supposed to hate. Yet more than one of them has said before that he's "the greatest philosophical genius ever."
2. I once made a comment about how I opposed reparations (I have my reasons, and NO I am not a racist) and they agreed with me not because they thought reparations are unfair or anything but just because, as they said, opposing reparations "flies in the face of everything 99% of the liberals in this country believe in."
3. I once made a joke about how if marijuana was made legal they would have to put in second chance exits on interstates (yes, I stole that joke). Not only did they not get it, they were actually offended.
Anyway, it all ended finally when we were having a debate on the business scandals and I said that it was all more evidence that capitalism is doomed to failure. So they responded to that by spouting off tired old McCarthyist propaganda and saying in more or less words that Karl Marx was a hypocritical idiot and that after the Soviet Union's collapse only a fool could possibly think communism could ever work. Needless to say I don't take kindly to people not agreeing with me--er, to people who bash my beliefs so I told them they were all wrong and that the Soviet Union was not a true communist state, which it wasn't.
To make a long story short, their argument inevitably devolved into repeating themselves over and over and quoting massively edited dictionary definitions, I respectfully told them they were all closed-minded fatheads, and then they banned me. When they finally unbanned me I just told them that if the only way they knew how to prove their point was banning then it just wouldn't work out and left. And I'm sure to this day they're still insulting me behind my back.
Nah, they probably forgot all about me and went back to being jerks.