So Much for the Afterglow

Feb 23, 2006 19:40

I've decided to update this, since I haven't been in here to do so in a long time. Life has been a ball of shit and I'm pulling up my I've been quite busy ( Read more... )

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anonymous May 21 2006, 03:17:22 UTC
you fucken bastard!!! you cant say after 6 years together that you still dont have a small place in your heart for me.. yes i royally fucked up.. and right after you my life spiralled downward. i had no idea how to cope. i jumped into two rebound relationships after you. i had no idea who i was anymore.... then i get pregnant with a complete ass and in less than one year i had to grow up faster than you! you have no idea how much your relationship affected me. you should have let me go the first time it happened.. but no, you lead me on for two more years thinking you could fix it... it didnt work sweetie!

i'm sorry now that youre still a prick and you will always be one. i'm soo glad i got a chance to talk to your mom like 2 years back.. she came over to my house and gave me a gift and said she wished for me to be happy and that she knew who you really were......a spoiled rich kid,,

but i will say one thing,... as a new parent to a healthy 7 month old... you have a lot of growing up to do... your life is going to turn upside down when you have your first kid.. you wont know what to do.. 2nd you'll have to think of them first before yourself... i dont think you could do that..

i still miss us when we first met. what happened to you?! you used to be so sweet and kindhearted and such a romantic... now you're such a snob, you think you're better than me now that you are back in school.. and soo materialistc....

well i hope you and Liz murphy are happy together... she'll see who you are after she gets to know you. if she she doesnt than she is just blinded.. well i guess i finally got my closure!

ps .. i hope deep down that you know you did truly love me at one point, dont ever lose that feeling. i havent. i still love the old you. but i know i'll never see that person again. i still love you christopher lee terry..


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