20 [Video]

Dec 28, 2011 18:01

[Jo seems to be underground, somewhere, with a silver knife in hand, and a lantern in the other. There are crates everywhere, and when Jo moves the light around (though she seems to be doing so carefully), the walls are covered in sigils. Covered. Walls, ceiling, floor, and everything in between ( Read more... )

research is half the battle, build it and they will come, every hunter needs a panic room, the prettiest most dangerous of them all, she has a knife collection, hunter born and raised, i need some holy water stat, collecting some info from the masses, it's hard out here for hunters too

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[Offline] wingsandwill December 29 2011, 00:11:45 UTC
[Offscreen, Castiel is painting on another wall in blood, a small empty potions bottle on the floor next to his feet. The blood replenishing potions Snape had given him are coming in handy, as he's able to ward the room with angel blood instead of paint or chalk without suffering from blood loss.

His sigil is a bit sloppy though, much more so than his usual perfectionistic ones, mainly because he's still mad. This is day two of no Rei, because she went running off on some secret mission, and so he's taking out his frustration by working on the panic room.]


[Offline] knifetotheface December 29 2011, 00:17:42 UTC
[Jo's sitting on a pile of crates, turning off her PCD after her plea to the public, before she turns her attention to the angel across the room, arching her eyebrows slowly.]

Hey. Genius.

[She raises a hand to point.]

I know you're pissed off over your wife leaving you at the altar and all, but you're gonna let Lucifer walk right into this place with chickenscratch like that. Fix it.


[Offline] wingsandwill December 29 2011, 00:42:55 UTC
[Castiel looks over his shoulder at Jo when she addresses him, then glances back at the wall. She's right, it's a mess. He never does it that badly, even when he'd been in a rush to take Dean out of the Green Room.

Frustrated, he throws his knife hard at the floor, and it of course hits handle-first and bounces, narrowly missing striking him in the leg. He ignores it entirely and begins wiping off part of the sigil with his coat sleeve.

He's so far past 'doesn't care' right now.]


[Offline] knifetotheface December 29 2011, 00:58:40 UTC
[Jo watches him throw the knife with something of a wince before she pushes herself up to pick it up, handle first.]


[Somewhat mildly, as she elbows him lightly in the side.]

You're wiping off the wrong part. Sit down and chill out before you go around cutting yourself open or I'm gonna have to ban you from self-injury for the rest of the day. Deep healing breaths.

[And once Jo cleans off his knife with the end of her shirt, hands it over to him handle first, eyebrows up.]

You're acting like that girl ran off to hurt your feelings on purpose.


[Offline] wingsandwill December 29 2011, 02:38:04 UTC
[Castiel does only half of what he's told, stopping his attempts to remove the sigil and sitting down, but not calming let alone taking deep breaths. His grace is glowing faintly through his shirt and visible due to the dark.]

She knew it would be an issue to me.

[More than an issue, really. It had basically been flat out saying he wasn't of use on this trip, and that hurt, a lot more than he wants to say.]


[Offline] knifetotheface December 29 2011, 02:51:12 UTC
[Jo frowns at him, from cleaning off her own knife -- the one that Morgana gave her for Christmas -- before she focuses on her work instead of the angel.]

Being left behind sucks. Sam and Dean did it to me all the time. But that doesn't mean you're useless or a liability. It means you're not built for that specific job and you've gotta find something else to do until they get back.

[She points at the angel with the knife.]

You're making a mountain out of a damn molehill, acting like this girl couldn't give a damn about you, when she probably left you behind because she didn't want you to get hurt. And before you start, you know I'm one of your biggest fans, Cas, but you've gotta face facts -- until you break that vial and get your wings back, if I put this knife underneath your ribcage, you're dead.

[Jo frowns at him.]You've gotta learn that you have limitations and you can't do everything. That doesn't mean you're weak. It just means that you need to figure out how to help in a different way. Which is what you're doing, right now ( ... )


[Offline] wingsandwill December 29 2011, 03:39:47 UTC
[He's silent, watching her as she speaks, trying to calm his anger and frustration and feelings of being useless and unwanted. He knows Jo is right. She's being logical, and he knows that if he looks at it logically, it made sense not to include him.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, and she could have at least told him. And mortal or not, if they lose their abilities at any point in this trip, then it doesn't matter that he's powerless.

Still, he can focus and do that he's supposed to be doing. This is an important project, and he needs to calm down and use his expertise and help Jo finish. Eventually he nods and stands back up, going to the wall to begin fixing his sigil again, and he manage a few minutes of doing so calmly before he speaks again.]

She didn't even tell me she was leaving.


[Offline] knifetotheface December 29 2011, 04:16:07 UTC
That girl never shuts her damn mouth, Cas, I see her mouth off to the Devil all the time. You really think she'd keep her mouth shut about this if she had a choice?

[Jo arches her eyebrows, almost accusingly, daring him to argue.]

Everyone's got someone they listen to unequivocally. Right? You have one. I have one. Everyone's got one. And that girl, for as much of a hothead she is, has to have someone she's gonna listen to without pause. There's a reason why no one's heard a damn thing about any of this until your little note yesterday morning, yeah? Someone's keeping her mouth shut.

[Jo shrugs a shoulder before tossing the knife onto a table.]

I'm sure she'll be back before you know it with an apology and ice cream and whatever the hell else she spoils you with, plus a kickass story of whatever the hell they're gonna find.


[Offline] wingsandwill December 31 2011, 01:59:25 UTC
[He's quiet at that. Jo's right; he knows it. He indeed has someone he listens to above all else, sometimes a few someones, and he knows it's likely the same for Rei. That it's about respect for that person--who Castiel is pretty sure he knows is--and not disrespect towards him.

It still sucks though.]

She should.

[Not the ice cream, though he wouldn't mind, but the story of what they'd found. They better find something to make this all worth it, not just because of the situation, but because they really need more information about this world.]


[Offline] knifetotheface December 31 2011, 04:43:08 UTC
Then everything'll be okay. I'm pretty sure the end of the world's already been averted. Can't happen twice.

[She leans forward to shake his shoulder with a hand, grinning a little at him.]

Besides, even if this girl was a cold-hearted bitch and left you behind because she thought you were useless, which she didn't -- but even if she did, then screw her, because you're the angel of Thursday, and I'm pretty sure you kick a hell of a lot more ass than a schoolgirl ever could.

[And she holds out a fist, arching her eyebrows.]

Got it?

[He's supposed to fistbump her. He's not going to know what that means. But Jo figures she could use the entertainment.]


[Offline] wingsandwill January 2 2012, 02:40:55 UTC
[Castiel's quiet while she talks, calming a little more; she's right and he should wait to be distressed until he hears Rei's side of the story, at least.

But he just stares at her extended fist, then at Jo, and doesn't move other than a small tilt of his head.]


[Offline] knifetotheface January 3 2012, 01:17:40 UTC
Put up your fist and hit it against mine.

[She's trying not to laugh.]


[Offline] wingsandwill January 3 2012, 22:55:27 UTC
Like a punch?

[Last time he punched something it hurt. And he doesn't want to hurt her hand anyway.]


[Offline] knifetotheface January 4 2012, 05:32:42 UTC
Yeah, but gently. Like a nudge.

It's a common human form of greeting.


[Offline] wingsandwill January 4 2012, 07:08:09 UTC
[He tries to follow her instructions and ends up with the most awkward and clumsy fistbump ever.]


[Offline] knifetotheface January 4 2012, 21:08:04 UTC
[That gets a laugh out of her, but Jo drops her hand, grinning.]

Good enough.


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