18 [Video]

Nov 30, 2011 18:41

[The feed turns on to show the crackling warm glow of what appears to be an impromptu fire, the glittering of scales, some amount of blood on the snow on the ground, and a lot of liquor bottles.

Oh, and Jo and Cas, sitting against what appears to be a dead baby dragon.

Jo herself is cradling a gun, sitting with her legs crossed, and she’s loading the gun with a certain expert finesse that she can manage even when obviously drunk.]

So -- there’s this bitch, goes by the name of Dean Winchester. That’s right, Cas, right?

[And the girl doesn’t bother waiting for an answer before she continues.]

Made us promise we weren’t ever gonna leave his sorry ass here, like the girl he is, and what does he go and do? Up and leaves ‘cause we haven’t got better shit to do than pick up after his damn messes -- right after my mom and Hanna leave this hellhole. Some manners. Hope he gets shot. Asshole.

[Castiel is sitting next to his friend, his silvery angel sword on the snow beside him, pondering what appears to be a dragon scale. He's turning it over in his hands as Jo is speaking, quite a bit more sober than his friend is at the moment; that he doesn't correct her about calling Dean a bitch might indicate that he's just as displeased about the situation as she is, though. He glances up from the scale and looks at the PCD, changing topic entirely, not really wanting to talk about Dean.]

Though we will be keeping a portion of the meat and other supplies from this dragon, there will be extra. Those of you who are in need of supplies may have the remainder.

Screw them, we’re the ones who killed the damn thing.

[It’s said in a mutter as she clicks the gun shut, raising it to eyelevel, aiming at nothing in particular, before she clicks the safety on and sets the gun next to her in a huff, dusting a bit of snow off of her jeans.]

I’m making a new pair of boots out of this beast and you’re not going to stop me.

No one is going to stop you, Jo.


However we do not need all of this. And it wasn't particularly difficult to procure.

[Or kill if you wanna be technical. The hardest part was making sure the parent dragon wasn't around.]

They’re gonna have to fight me for it.

[Jo seems deadly serious about this fact, as she pushes herself up slightly, so she’s actually sitting on the side of the dead dragon, completely ignoring the blood and the half-open carcass.]

Make me another shish-kabob.

the prettiest most dangerous of them all, hunter born and raised, the winchesters are my family, family isn't just by blood, it's hard out here for hunters too, four for you jo coco, i miss the roadhouse, making jo cry is a capital felony, make fun of her and die, she has a knife collection, cas is the only cool angel, it's hard out here for a pimp, i hate life right now, this is all dean's fault seriously, shoot first ask questions later, alcohol cures everything in spnverse

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