Is it safe now? Will your arms be open?

Aug 03, 2006 03:41

Just to let everyone out there know... I'm not dead. Been grounded is all. I don't have my cell phone anymore or computer for that matter. I've taken the liberty of using my moms computer (without her knowledge)tonight to catch up on some talk with my friends. Things have been good, well as good as they can get at least. I haven't been able to hang out with my friends so that sucks but I am at least allowed to have visitors every now and then.

I've been using my time to clean every inch of my room. I've become incredibly OCD about messes in the house. Mom complains that she doesn't get to use the washer and dryer to clean her clothes anymore. I like cleaning it seems. And I would clean more if my brother wasn't home. I know that if I do clean, he will just come along right behind me and make it 10 times worse so I just don't see the point.

Had some interesting voicemails on my phone. Same guys over and over rapping to me. Speaking in black voices... Telling me I'm not dead and calling me Teddy. Quite interesting.

Carrie's leaving for college in 16 days and I'm gonna miss her a lot. I haven't been able to hang out with her in so long cuz she had her job and Jordan. And now that she no longer has the job and she actually has time to be able to hang out, I'm stuck at home. I can't help her move. I can't stay the night with her. I can't hang out with her outside the walls of my home. She'll be leaving and I would never have been able to have one last hang out with her before she left.

I recently feel like all my friends are slowly evaporating. There's Carrie going off to college. Jodie has made friends with a different crowd and actually seems embarrassed to talk to me in front of them. You couldn't even begin to understand the anger I have about that. She has this new attitude about people. Every now and then I hear her say something like, "Jennie, you don't understand. That person is a fag. And if you associate yourself with them then that automatically makes you one too." I rarely, if ever, talk badly about someone. If I talk badly about someone it's because they did something to me personally that made me furious. I would never judge someone based upon someone else's opinion. I guess having only myself and family has lead me to think about all this stuff.

And to save you guys from hearing yet another boo hoo story about boys... I don't have one. There. =]

So anyway school. Yes I know this is a long entry. Keep in mind I've been without computer for 2 weeks. My classes. Do tell if we have something.

1- Economics with Higginbotham.
2- I have Art III with Quita. Should be fun.
3- Don't laugh but I have Strength Building with Meacham.
4- Forensic Science with Riggins.
5- Algebra III with Mullins
6- Business Tech with Mrs Wright.
and last
7- English 12 with Henderson.

Homeroom is Mrs Barnes (I love her. She cracks me up). And my locker is in the orange.

...I'm gonna die. This is going to be a VERY busy year. But hey, according to one of the school couselors, I will have "great diversity" in my classes.
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