Aug 05, 2004 11:22
so last night....lisa came over....and we went and we picked up kevin and paul<3 and me a paul chipped in to get some beer and we went to nicoles was cool but i mean, we all had to be real quiet cause adam was sleeping in the other room and apparently he was already pissed nicole invited ppl over....but we didnt stay that long anyway cause lisa had to get up hells fucking early today and work a we took kev and paul home and then she dropped me off....
today i woke up earlier then freakin tired....i still got 4 or 5 hours of sleep in me..i just know it.....but i called kmart..and of course..they are not destined to be poor.....god
but i got a lead on some other i gotta see whud da deal wid dat chit iz...
alright enough with that think it will go like this.....
shower, clean house, clean room, eat, go look for a fucking job...still, come home, eat again, hang with lisa, be bored, sleep....