In memoriam

Sep 11, 2011 08:54

This day has become a day of remembrance, sadness, and the deep grief that only a despicable act of madness can bring. Though at the time I could not fully grasp the sorrow this would bring to my heart I feel it now.
That this day follows the anniversary of another great (but far more personal) loss is compounding to my sorrow.
Try though I might I cannot put these things from my mind today. Perhaps it's better that I don't. I rarely let things aside from anger show for more than a minute. To do so seems selfish and indulgent to me. But that being said, I think today is a day for at least a brief time of letting go.

For my friend Jesse Lee Dukellis.
For all those lost in the tragedies of 9/11.
And especially for those left behind who continue to love them, pray for them, and mourn them.

A candle. My tears. My prayers. My heart.

Dominus Vobiscum!
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