Yeah, sure, why not? :)

Jan 24, 2013 04:56

Stolen from smells_corrupt

I know very little about some of the people on my friends list. Some people I know relatively well. But here's a thought: why not take this opportunity to tell me a little something about yourself. Any old thing at all. Just so the next time I see your name I can say: "Ah, there's Parker ...she likes money and cereal." I'd love it if ( Read more... )

knifing around, life, i love the internet!, flailing, knife is crazy, memes, hilarity ensues

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smells_corrupt January 24 2013, 19:31:33 UTC
Fact: I'm ambidextrous. I don't have a dominant hand or foot. I write a little better with my right hand (although I can write legibly with my left), and if I'm using scissors, I'm slightly better with my left hand. But just about everything else I can do equally with both sides.

Question: Do you have any strange talents?


brutti_ma_buoni January 24 2013, 19:49:30 UTC
That *is* interesting. I'm a mild leftie, but if I learned how to do stuff right handedly, I'm mostly okay. The exception is cutlery - I hold knife and fork perfectly if left-handedly, but I can't use them. So instead I scrunch my fingers up weirdly around the handles and use them right handedly.


smells_corrupt January 24 2013, 21:35:15 UTC
The only reason I'm stronger at writing with my right hand is because my first grade teacher encouraged me to use my right, tbh. Dominant vs. non-dominant limbs are really odd, when you stop and think about it...


knifeedgefic January 26 2013, 05:30:31 UTC
I don't know about STRANGE, per se, but I have a lot of "talents" (or so people tell me).

I suppose the one that's probably oddest is my ability to mimic pretty much any accent I hear. I've always had an ear for accents, and my time spent on stage has only increased it. My standard British accent is practically impeccable, at least according to the Brits I've had in audiences. I can do several different regional variants of an English accent, a fairly decent (although slightly more comprehensible) Glaswegian, a basic Irish accent, Russian, German, Australian, and several American dialects, all without having to concentrate too hard.

Anything else I just have to listen to for a few minutes and I can pick up speech and accent patterns very quickly.

I think this is part of why I enjoy writing characters like Spike, as I can memorize speech patterns fairly easily and it makes writing them come more easily than others.


smells_corrupt January 27 2013, 20:46:27 UTC
I suppose the one that's probably oddest is my ability to mimic pretty much any accent I hear.

Oh, that's really cool! I have an ear for accents, and I can pick up on them fairly quickly, but I can't mimic them with my own voice very well. It certainly comes in handy with writing, though! *g*


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