
Mar 26, 2013 11:36

I got disqualified from the drug study that was supposed to be paying me $700 because of the acne medication that I take -- which, by the way, is bullshit because I was like, "Well. Couldn't I just NOT take it?" and the study coordinator said something about not wanting to change my lifestyle or something. This all happened at nine this morning and I couldn't get back to sleep because of how disappointed I am. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.

I'm gonna email her back and be like, " WELL FUCK YOU, KAREN. YOU CAN GO STRAIGHT TO HELL."

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdslfjljejl;safjksa. On the bright side, I just did a study for a hundred dollars, and I might qualify for another one that's also 100. I'll probably get disqualified from those too because I have a lot of built up bad karma, am I right? Ugh. I'm so tired. I wish I could get back to sleep.

I had three different Walgreens contact me last week for an interview. Walgreens #1 I went in for the interview because it's pretty much on the street that I live on, but I had to wake up super early for the interview, and I really wasn't feeling it. I got there and the boss lady made me refill out the application because there was an error in the computer. And if you've ever filled out an application for Walgreens you know that I'd much rather be anywhere else in the world. It's, like, the longest application process, and there's this retarded skill test at the end that takes so god damn long that I could scream. By the end of the application, I was completely over it and I purposely blew the interview. I set up an interview with Walgreens #2 but never showed up, and Walgreens #3 called me at like seven in the fucking morning so I'm pretty sure a few incoherent sentences were mumbled as well as a "yeah, sounds good" in response to....a question I thought they were asking but probably weren't. Needless to say, they said they'd call me back and never did. Not too upset about it. I hated working at Walgreens.

I've been feeling very unmotivated lately. Nobody or anything has been really peaking my interest, and I can't figure out why. Maybe I really am depressed. I went to the doctor to get my blood checked because I had a suspicion that I might be anemic (because I'm tired all the time, hands and feet are always cold, I have mysterious bruises all over my legs when I wake up). Turns out I'm not and it also isn't the medication I take for my face. I thought it might be poor diet, but I still had the same symptoms when I lived with my mom and it'd be an understatement to say that I was fed extremely well. SO. I've just been really tired for the past eight years. Maybe I should take vitamins or something.

I hate both of my roommates' girlfriends. THEY SEEM like nice people, and I would really like to be able to just accept them for what they are (crazy, angry feminists) but...I...just...fucking...can't.

I'm gonna go listen to more metal core and curl up into a little ball.

life is so hard in america amirite, life sucks then you die, argh, angsty

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