Hi, guys.

Oct 04, 2012 23:14

I think the guy that works at the sandwich shop on my street asked me out, but I'm not sure. He also could have been casually promoting a "cool, hip" event but, still, I can't be sure. It was a little after one in the afternoon, and I was eating quite possibly the most delicious BBQ sandwich I have ever had in my entire life. Mid-chew, he asked if I ever went to The Burlington, a bar not so far from my apartment. I said I did, and then he began to tell me about some event going on there that night that had something to do with "free beer" or something. I don't completely recall because, and you may remember me mentioning this, I was eating THE BEST BBQ SANDWICH OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. Anyhow, he stopped talking shortly after and paused as if expecting a certain response from me. I didn't know what he was getting at, and in retrospect, I possibly could have also been too immersed in something else at the time to focus properly -- something juicy and edible -- but that certain factor is mostly irrelevant. I eventually said "sounds promising" to which he replied, "Yeah...I'll...probably be down there tonight..."

Is that some kind of non-committed invitation of sorts? I don't know. I just don't know.

But that sandwich...........

My Visual Culture class is bullshit. I can't even look at it from another side of the spectrum and and be like, "Yeah. That seems relevant enough to talk about for three hours." Because I do not feel that way.

Some guy in the class told me he liked my shoes and then added, "Floral is really in this season," as if to INFORM ME. As if he was doing me a FAVOR and letting me know. As if I wouldn't have known otherwise. BY THE WAY, IT ISN'T, YOU IDIOT. IT IS NOT IN SEASON RIGHT NOW. SO YOU CAN SHUT THE HELL UP. All these things went through my head in a matter of three seconds, but my only response was to simply nod and stare blankly back at him.

Last night I had a dream the Prince of England had an OkCupid. I guess my mom knew he liked me, but she wouldn't let me date him for whatever reason. I had never met him before but I kept begging my mom and saying, "BUT MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, HE'S THE PRINCE OF ENGLANDDDDDDDDDD."

sandwiches, class, skool, conversations, dreams, encounters, life

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