Too tired to think of a title for this.

Mar 16, 2011 13:01

I'm just going to skip talking about Bright Eyes yesterday because I don't even want to get into that right now. I will say, however, (and I hate to be one of those kids) that the lighting for the entire set was phenomenal.

So, yesterday at work... Well, before I even get into that, it's important that I first talk about how I had a huge crush on this senior when I was a freshman in high school. His name was Steve and he was in my guitar II class. I also had a crush on this other senior named John who was also in my guitar class and Steve was John's friend. I just want to clarify that by "crush" I don't mean I wanted to date them or anything, it was more like LULZ I'M 15 I HOPE THAT 1 DAY WE KAN MAKE OUT. ...So years later, I told John about how I had a crush on Steve that whole semester (because I had befriended John and we would sometimes talk on AIM) and he thought it was hilarious because he and his friends could never figure out how Steve got so many girls because he wasn't really that attractive. Which is true, he wasn't. (or isn't, I guess) He was just ...really funny and kind of an asshole. WHICH I HAPPEN TO REALLY LIKE.

Long story short, John told me that he was going to tell Steve about it and I said I didn't care because it wasn't like I was ever going to see him again. ..........................HOW WRONG I WAS. A few weeks ago when that snow storm hit Illinois, Steve walked into the gas station. I was like o__o And he was like o__o And I was so fucking embarrassed because I remembered that John had told him about me and it was just...Idk, IT WAS JUST AWFUL. So, without surprise, I started to sweat and got really nervous and he asked me how I had been... yadda yadda yadda.. and then he said, "Yeah, we should hang out sometime." AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY. He gave me his number, told me to call him, and I was like, wtf wtf wtf. After he left, I stared at the piece of paper with his number on it for about 20 minutes. That is not an exaggeration. I just sat there and stared at it in my hands. And then finally I threw it away because I remembered how awkward and embarrassing of a person I am. I mean, let's be serious, there is NO WAY I would ever call him. What do you even say when someone gives you their number to call them to hang out? Like, I honestly don't know. What. Do. You. Say. Thank god I'll never have to find out. So, just when I thought that was over with... And by the way, I totally had it in my mind that like, he didn't really EXPECT me to call. I mean, why would he expect me to call? Who really cares if I actually call them? This is me we're talking about. Right, so, just when I thought this whole thing was over and done with, HE COMES INTO MY WORK AGAIN AND I'M JUST LIKE, FUUUUUUUUUUHHHH..... This happened yesterday, btw. So he comes in and I'm just like :| and he's making small talk about god knows what and then he says, "Haha, so I guess you really didn't want to hang out with me, huh?" And I start sweating and I'm like "Uh, I...Yeah, I lost your number..." And he imitates me and is like, "Yeah, yeahhhh. It's alright. That's actually the first time that has happened to me in a really long time... but what can you do." THAT'S. ACTUALLY. THE. FIRST. TIME. THAT. HAS. HAPPENED. TO. ME. IN. A. REALLY. LONG. TIME. HE SAID THAT. HE LITERALLY SAID THAT. OKAY, MR. NO GIRL CAN RESIST ME. I couldn't believe it. I need a nap. I just needed to write that story down.

the song crush by mandy moore, sweating, embarrassing, y u do diz

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