I met Ólafur Arnalds yesterday and I'm pretty sure I could die and be completely happy now.

Feb 01, 2011 00:07

I uploaded three videos I recorded from the free show I went to at the Chicago Cultural Center. I'll provide two here and the last one can be found here. He and his ensemble were so fucking good, I can't even begin to describe it. I was so happy to be there and even more so that it was completely free. He had a later show at seven that same day and I now kind of regret not paying ten dollars to see him again. I urge you to listen to him, if you don't already. Also, that fucking lady's head in every video. I'm still annoyed over it.

My friend Alex and I got to meet him and I was literally so nervous that I couldn't concentrate on how to properly setup my camera for the picture. He's just.....so...otherworldly. I was literally baffled by his presence. At the time, the only thoughts running through my head were: Oh my god oh my god oh my god it's really him. oh my god, his accent is so awesome and wonderful holy shit he's from Iceland. He was PRODUCED in Iceland and here I am standing right next to him. His hand is on my shoulder and our sides are touching and this is a moment I will never forget oh my god it's Ólafur Arnalds.

...Yep. Just me being myself, I guess. Alex was small talking with him - while I was nervously trying to figure out how to operate a camera - and she asked him how he liked Chicago so far. In his awesome foreign accent he replied, "It's nice. I went to a Dunkin Donuts." I. Fucking. Love. Him. Every time I go to a really good show I become really infatuated with the lead whatever and lurk like every video of them ever and think about them all day and lay in bed thinking about what it must be like to be them. I'm not creepy or strange at all.

here is alex and olafur lookin happy n shyt~

IT LOOKS LIKE HIS HAND IS HOVERING BUT I SWEAR I FELT IT ON MY SHOULDER. THIS MUST HAVE BEEN RIGHT BEFORE IT LANDED. HONESTLY. also notice the physical contact. yep. you saw it here first! my side touching his side. no biggie. you're jealous, it's okay, i know. .................................................forever alone, bye.

i just thought it was really cool looking in the cultural center =/

these are kind of like 40 year old mom pictures

ill be sellin printz for 45 dollarz each ~ just send me a lil email & ill hook u up!!! =)

........i hope no one ever comes to my livejournal and thinks im serious


fdsafdsa fdsafsdafsad

obsessed, infatuated, chicago cultural center, nervous, free show, olafur arnalds, forever alone

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