I went to a party yesterday... LOL, NO, I'M NOT LYING.

Jun 06, 2010 02:53

I experienced my first hookah if any of you were interested in knowing. I know I've been really shitty with updating lately. I just haven't had the urge to write about anything. It comes and goes*~ I'm not even sure if anyone still reads this BUT Y'KNOW, WHATEVER. I can't even bring myself to upload pix because I'm just...so...lazy.

i went to the zoo with my friends dana & michelle. here they on some hippoz*~


just my dog being beautiful

grainy but oh my god how cute is he

i guess i'd have no problem taking senior pic portraits*~

ughhh, i would post more but the last five ive tried to upload have been "too large" for imageshack to upload and i really dont feel like going into photoshop and creating resized copies sooooooooo


i'm so tired, hookah, party, i'm not dead, lazy, cool for a day, nikon d90

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