Nov 26, 2011 01:06

character relationships.

Logan didn't like Scott. He didn't make it a secret either. There was just something about that guy that rubbed him the wrong way. At least it used to. The Keep's done a pretty good job of modifying how Logan views Scott. That doesn't mean Logan is going to take orders from him (cause he can still totally shove that mission up his ass), but he does see Scott as an ally of sorts. They've got a ways to go before Logan will consider him a friend. But if Scott needs him, Logan will be there. And that's saying a lot.

Scott | eyebeam_envy

Logan will never admit this, but he kind of likes this version of the Professor. He doesn't like being lectured like he's some kind of kid. But having him here is some kind of comfort. Logan would like for him to help him dig through his missing past like he'd promised. But like hell if he'll ever admit that. For now, Logan'll keep an eye on him and keep pretending like he doesn't care about him either way.

Charles | knowsyourmind

Talia intrigues Logan. Guess he's got a thing for redheads? Either way, Logan'll readily admit he finds Talia attractive. And most of his conversations with her involve double entendre. He likes flirting with her and isn't afraid to do it. Even in front of Kevas. Who cares if she's married? Certainly not Logan!

Talia | thequeensown

Kevas is sometimes Logan's drinking buddy. And sometimes he likes to hit on Kevas's wife. Their relationship isn't exactly a rock solid friendship, especially considering the part where Logan sort of kind of has a thing for Talia. At this point, it could go either way. Only time'll tell if they'll be best bros or enemies.

Kevas | drinkuntilidie

Logan doesn't like him.

Equius | b100b100dbeast

Rapunzel's his baby girl. Logan has made a promise to her, that he would look after her. And he will. If anybody messes with Rapunzel, then you're gonna have to deal with a very very angry Wolverine. He'll mostly let her do her own thing. But all she's got to do is call him and he'll come running.

Rapunzel | 70ftandcounting

Logan doesn't like Tony either. But will leave him be as long as he keeps his hands to himself.

Tony | irredemption

Saving the best for last. Mimmi has really come to mean a lot to Logan. He cares about her and there's not much he wouldn't do for her. All she has to do is ask. Things between them remain unspoken and Logan likes to think he's doing a good job straddling the fence between friendship and something more-ship. He doesn't want to be pushy, but at the same time, he knows what he wants and he's pursuing it. Of course, that puts a damper on things with Talia doesn't it? >D

Mimmi | missmimmi

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