interview ^^

May 25, 2008 18:44

- Leave me a comment saying "Interview me."
- I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and personal nature, or not so creepy/personal.
- You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
- You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
- When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them five questions.

I was interviewed by kuroyosei ^^

1. How many times did you watch The Dance Of The Vampires? XD
öhm.... not often enough xDDD you should ask me how many times i've been at the stagedoor...i don't know xD
tdV i guess... 7 times... no wait must have been more often...i guess 9 or so !
2. Have you fallen in love with more girls or guys up until now? ;D
fallen in love with more guys, kissed more girls xD that's what i realised lately and i was kinda shocked...i mean... i never had a relationship with a girl O_o but let's see what the future'll bring xD
3. How would you describe / explain your fashion style?
Öhm... MOF-Style xD ... dunno i don't think about it i just wear what i feel like...sometimes i feel like wearing all kind of colours and flowers in my hair xD sometimes just black, sometimes nothing xDDDDD
4. Do you still seriously consider a career in the musical business?
hmm.... hard to say... i mean... i'd really love to! but i also know that it'S really really hard and i have neither the talent nor the money to go to such a scool.... but we'll see.. you never know what life will bring ;)
5. What is your favorite band at the moment / your all-time-favorite?
at the moment i love acoustic guitar ^^ john butler trio for example or andy McKee (or Mr.Browne xDDDD)
all time favourite.... hmm musical, subway to sally, x-japan, blind guardian... stuff like that ^^
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the superperforator song xD

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