
Oct 18, 2005 10:57

I saw The Colbert Report (pronounced "The Colbear Repore") last night, and it was pretty good. It does, however, seem to be leaning rather more heavily on Colbert's personna than on current events and the guest of the day. Thus, it's sort of a SNL "Weekend Report" meets Letterman. One could argue that nightly variety shows like Letterman and The Tonight Show have worked well with this combination for decades, but I'm not sure that Colbert has found a balance that is sustainable. It obviously needed to establish itself in contrast to The Daily Show, and it was damn funny in its first episode, but I'm not sure that entertainment value can be sustained.

Speaking of the Daily Show, thanks to bryant for pointing me to Lisa Rein's video archive thereof. It's not complete, but if you want a Jon Stewart fix and you don't want to wait until that evening, it's nifty.

Via jlundberg, an interview with Ben Rosenbaum, who is a very talented writer who has some great rationale for why he writes speculative fiction, and what he'd do in a zombie attack.

Via Golden Fiddle, I learned today that Tom Waits is likely the progenitor of the phrase, "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy," although he apparently claimed it was from a bathroom wall.

Via Slashdot, it looks as if transparent aluminum is a reality. Who'd have thought that Scotty was right?

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