R.I.P. Thomas Disch

Jul 06, 2008 16:02

Apparently, writer and poet Thomas Disch committed suicide this weekend. I'd normally let this pass without comment, save for the fact that I'd corresponded with him a couple years ago in order to try to get his OK to republish a poem of his for the Strange Horizons series of articles on the Rhysling award, specifically this piece. (As a side note, Mr. Disch refused to allow the piece to be reprinted for The Alchemy of Stars, either. My understanding is that he had been at odds with the SFPA for a while.)

Patrick Nielson-Hayden has posted on this, as have others, but Disch struck me in my limited interaction with him as an immensely sad - and very talented - man. I'm quite sorry I've not read more by him, which is a sentiment that I'm sure is echoed by many.

In honor of this neglected writer, I am making a vow that I shall do my utmost to read something by an author that I've never read before each month from now until the end of the year. I'm not particularly good at keeping resolutions in the long term, but if it means that even once I can interact with someone I'd have otherwise not read and say, "You know, I read a piece of yours in F&SF a year or two ago, and I rather liked it," or even do the slightly-more-informed verbal dance of, "How do I not tell this person I didn't like her novel?" then I'll consider this a victory. Heck, I might even end up keeping the resolution in the longer-term.

My hat is off to Mr. Disch. May he find peace in death that he clearly could not find in life, and may I, at the very least, be slightly better-read as a result of the kick in the pants his passing has given me.

ETA: I note that, in a somewhat chilling prelude to his suicide, Mr. Disch suggested writing letters to dead writers in his LiveJournal just a few days ago. Reading some of his earlier posts does make me wish I had been more conversant with his work when I corresponded with him two years ago.

news, writing, specfic, poetry

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