
May 23, 2008 11:10

Today, I have slightly more time. We're on the lovely island of Santorini, which has the distiction of probably having been the site of the volcanic eruption that caused the tsunami that wiped out Minoan civilization. It's almost entirely built on the lip of the volcanic caldera, and our cruise ship is anchored in the bay above the mouth of the dormant volcano. We took donkeys up the several-hundred foot cliff to Fira, the largest settlement on the island.

swan_tower and I will probably shop for a bit, hit the archaeological museum here (apparently magma and ash don't entirely wipe out ancient sites; they just cover them up), and head back to the ship around 2 or 3pm. The ship then sails at 4pm for Istanbul, where we'll be for two days, tromping around historic Byzantine buildings and such. Then, Athens and Naples / Pompeii, though I may be forgetting a spot or two.

As a note, if you're trying to contact me, send an email to my LJ username at gmail [dot] com. That's the only address I'm checking at present, since I don't entirely trust the various Internet cafe terminals I'm using. Access is sporadic, however, so don't expect a reply before the first of June, when we return.

Note that I've largely managed to locate requested touristy items, though I'm still searching for a native who might be willing to return with us for Tony.

shopping, travel, honeymoon, greece

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