Not Dead

Jun 11, 2007 23:57

I am apparently more than not dead. I'm even have the cardiovascular endurance to run a mile without stopping, which is new for me. I'm hovering at about 8 minutes and 30 seconds at present, which while not great, is certainly far better than passing out from exhaustion at the half-mile mark, which is what I'd have done just a few months ago. Moreover, I'd not have discovered this fact without having started up again with my personal trainer who ... well ... let's say that I'm going to be a wobbly mass of protesting muscles tomorrow, methinks.

On a related note, the gym I go to is having some sort of sucker your friends discounted rate for friends of members promotion this week. They're also offering free admission for friends of current members, presuming they are accompanied by a current member. Thus, on the off-chance that a Bloomingtonian I know was thinking of joining SportsPlex, I intend to be going there Tuesday and Thursday of this week at about 7pm and Saturday around 10am (give or take a half hour or so). If you're interested, drop me a line.

On a similarly related but "Why would we care?" note, the fitness regimen has resulted in "ideal" blood pressure, "good" cholesterol levels (according to my doctor), and no cavities (according to my dentist).

I'm also idly pondering getting my teeth whitened, but it seems like an awfully large amount of money for what amounts to vanity. The counterbalance to that argument is, of course, "wedding in a little over three months," but my brain keeps trying to point out how many books I could buy with that teeth-whitening fee.

Ah well. Perhaps I'll post something less mundane later in the week, if I can get some of my wedding checklist taken care of....

fitness, mundanity, wedding, indiana

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