An Afternoon of Planning

Sep 12, 2006 00:09

This afternoon, swan_tower and I went looking at potential sites for the wedding. Obviously, this meant that I took the afternoon off of work, which was awfully nice; it had the side benefit of meaning that I had an excuse to get out of my weekly team meeting, which is an annoyance I like to avoid.

Overall, Bryn and I are sort of leaning toward the Gardens / Zoo, though we'll probably make a decision soonish, at which point we'll have a location and a date, which are the two most important bits to decide on before one can invite people, I suspect. The major disadvantage of the Gardens is that they have an exclusive catering contract, so we'd best like their food if we're to have the reception there. *sigh*

Otherwise, an enjoyable weekend of gaming that meant that I got about ... nothing done on Strange Horizons or around the house. Future weekends aren't looking much better, either.

Ah well. Off to be vaguely productive for a few minutes before hitting the sack.


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