Links and Media Consolodation

Jan 25, 2006 16:13

So if you haven't heard, Disney is buying Pixar and UPN and the WB are merging. In the case of the former, one hopes that the quality of Pixar's output will remain high (Steve Jobs is walking away as the single biggest shareholder in Disney, much to Eisner's presumed chagrin). In the case of the latter, they have announced that they are keeping the highest-rated shows (Smallville, Veronica Mars, Beauty and the Geek, Everybody Hates Chris, etc.) and ditching the rest. Of these corporate shuffles, I shed a tear for Pixar, which seemed to finally be shedding itself of the Mouse-shaped albatross that had been around its neck for so long; no longer.

I recently was pointed at a blog written by a New York cabbie, and perhaps the choicest gem from my perspective was her essay on tipping.

In other web-browsing, I was amused by this essay on writing travel essays, written by a fellow who walked across Andorra. Similarly, these pictures of China are stunning (though saying that seems as ludicrous as saying "these pictures of North America"). In other matters picturesque, Scottish mountaineers are asking for a moratorium on scattering ashes, as the composition of the soil is changing in the highlands as a result of these funerary rites.

Lastly, I'm bored at work. Can you tell?

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