Apr 29, 2004 21:47
stole this from leigh's xanga...i thought it was cute, except i got rid of some categories and adjusted other categories
5 things you hated about high school
5. cliques
4. homework
3. not having an open campus (like we can't leave during our lunch period)
2. tests
1. teachers who don't teach and then proceed in giving really hard tests on shit we've NEVER DONEEEEEEE
4 classes you loved
4. mr. griesbach's honor bio class...OMG that was a really great class. (remember kelly and neha? reading out of the worst case survival book...ahaa that was great)
3. mr. donaldson's math class with liz, alison, and vaishalee
2. mr. dooley's AP GOV class with hannah, liz, christine, marielle, diana, and chels...omg i wish i had him as a sophomore
1. mr. balzarini's english class with viv OMG that was the besttttt class
3 things that changed about you in the last 4 yrs
3. more outgoing
2. lost weight
1. getting over eric
2. Things you'll miss about high school
2. being a minor and not being held responsible for anything...ew i'm gonna be an adult soon
1. friends, obviously
1 great memory
1.... all my memories are great (including my friends of course)...from CAMP MEMORIES (wayyyyyy too many to list), to the pathological liar, to mr. balzarini's class, to 8th grade lunch, mr. donaldson's math class (get out of my class lmao), up till today!...wowwowowo too many to list. one of these days i'm just gonna list all of my memories
ew now i don't wanna go to college, i'm gonna miss these ppl so much! if imissed u, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to it's just that i'm rushing bc i'm in apes right now!