Don't Look Back

Sep 17, 2012 11:43

Title: Don't Look Back
Author: Kaly (aquakittie)
Rating: Teen (a couple instances of mild language)
Spoilers?: Oh, yes.  Spoilers for the end game of DA2
Characters: Anders, my own FemHawke, Alexa

Author's Note: The link below will actually take you to the entry on my own LJ.  Also, this is my very first fic in the DA fandom.  I haven't written anything in over a year; haven't been inspired to.  Then...I met a lonely broken mage in a clinic in Darktown...and I was a goner. This story contains spoilers for the end game!!

His shoulders flinched involuntarily at the tone of her voice. It wasn’t an angry sound; no, it was worse than that. She was disappointed.

da2, fan fiction, anders

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