Next Update

Jan 23, 2005 00:24

WEll, I haven't received very many reviews. you guys are so weird on what you will and will not review. You always review on the chapters that I don't think are very important. I mean no one reviewed the chapter that James and Holly kissed in and no one is reviewing the one that LIly breaks up with James in. I'm chuckling...seriously. Anyway, my guess is that the next update will be the pilot chapter of my new story and then Everlasting Love. I didn't really leave a cliffie and that is because...I don't have one. I've reached a point in the story where everything stays the same. The next huge thing that happens (between James and LIly anyway) is a few months on and so I have to come up with some things to do to the other characters until then.

Anyway...this is a copy of my very first flame. I would just like to reply to it here so that I can let out some real anger.

"From: disappointed( )

i liked your story until chapter ten. too much drama and lack or realism. james in accordance to the harry potter books loves lily and no one else. it digusts me to read this story with a random girl destroying the relationship that is built upon by jk. btw they do not begin dating until 7th year, and mr. potter is still alive while james is in sixth year."

"too much drama and lack or realism"--well, let's see here. If there was no drama there would be no story. Nobody wants to read a story where James and Lily start liking each other, start dating, and nothing ever happens. tHat would be boring. 'Hey James' 'Hey Lily' 'Let's do our Charms homework' I mean, get real.

"James in accordance to the harry potter books loves lily and no one else"--I would like to point out that James was human and anyone who is turned down that many times by a girl is bound to lose a little hope. Plus, it never says that James liked only Lily. I'm sure that Lily was the only one he truly LOVED but she wouldn't be the only girl he cared about. And besides, if you were reading closely you would find out that I put in there that James always liked Lily and that the reason he broke up with Holly the first time was because he loved Lily and he didn't think it was fair to lead her on. And if you would wait a few chapters you would find out that there is a reason that he pulled away from Lily and it was NOT because he really liked Holly. In fact, Holly really bothers him. He was subconsciously using her to solve a problem that he was avoiding. And it's not like I'm ending the fic now with Holly having ruined their relationship. Obviously they are going to get back together because without that Harry would not exist.

"btw they do not begin dating until 7th year"--I am 100% aware of the fact that they do not start dating until their 7th year but I recall putting a note at the beginning of the story explaining that in order for some things to happen I had to make it a year earlier because it would be even more unrealistic for all of this to happen in a few weeks/months.

"and mr. potter is still alive when james is in 6th year"--that I don't remember reading so I am sorry about this fact (if in fact it is true) I'm sorry for that mistake. There was no significance to Mr. Potter being dead except that it gave James a way to comfort Lily.

And I don't see you putting your pen name on there so that I can read your fantastic and realist writing. Don't ever flame guys. It's really rude and if I hadn't thought that this one was so ridiculous it could have really hurt. If you don't like a story, just stop reading it. You don't have to tell the writer that you hate it. If you want to leave a remark, leave CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Tell them what is wrong with the story but tell them something you like too. even if you don't like anything, make it up. I thought it was funny that this person liked my story until ch 10 but didn't review until ch 20. Why would you read 10 more chapters of a story you hate? That's just stupid.

Well, I hope I can get something up soon. Make sure to leave plenty of reviews telling me what you think of the pilot chapter of my new story.

PS-child-of-scorpio's The Truth of the Heart is back up!!!! SHe is having to repost it one chapter at a time but it will be up eventually and hopefully by that time ch 35 will be up. If you haven't read TTOTH yet, I STRONGLY recommend that you begin reading it as she reposts it. And leave lots of reviews because a really horrible thing happened concerning the deletion of her story and she will definitely want the encouragement. :)
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