Sex Education

Nov 20, 2008 18:06

Hi. I'm Curious. Have we met?

Seriously, as many of you know, I am trying to change this small corner of the world through sex and sex education. In a paper, due on Dec. 3rd, I am going to look at teenage sexual habits and I am going to try to take a global perspective. I already have some sources from the last big paper I wrote, but in this one we have to do some *unofficial, informal, qualitative* field work. These are the questions that I asked some of my former students that were willing to help me, as well as my niece in the 8th grade (her questions stop @ #10).

So, for the sake of me being nosy (any responses I get from LJ friends will not be included in my paper) I would love to get some responses on these from my flist. Under the cut are 18 fairly personal questions. If you choose to answer, comments will be screened. If you would like to answer, but don't like the screening skillz of LJ, feel free to message me or email knic26_at_yahoo_dot_com. If you don't want to answer, that's cool too. I am just curious as to the sex education in the schools** across the country and the world.

*these statements cover our asses for right now in doing a little project for this one class so that we do not have to ask permission from National Boards of Something or Other to use actual human participants. No names or identifying characteristics will be assigned to anything in my paper.

** Take the term 'school' to mean any time that sex education was or could have been taught in a formal classroom-like setting

***If anyone is interested, when I figure out how to get my school webpage up and running, I may post the final paper for you all to point and laugh at :D

1. What kinds of sex education did you receive in school?

2. What kinds of things do you feel were left out of sex education at your school?

3. What types of information would you need that you did not receive?

4. Were there any people in your immediate area (teachers, counselors, parents) with whom you felt comfortable having an open conversation about sexual health issues?

5. What type of information did you receive about Sexually transmitted diseases in your sex education?

6. Did you or your friends talk about sex?

7. What information about sex did you learn from your peers?

8. Did you believe your friends knew more or less about sex/STDs/pregnancy than you?

9. What types of information do you think students should get for sex education, and at what age?

10. Did you feel more or less likely to receive a sexually transmitted disease than your peers? Why?

11. At what age did you become sexually active (if you were in school)?

12. Do you regret the decision to become sexually active at that age?

13. If so, what would have changed your decision to become sexually active at that age?

14. Did you have issues with your sexual orientation in school? What types of issues?

15. Did you feel that the sex education you received in school included your sexual orientation? Did you feel that your sexual orientation was directly left out of your sex education courses?

16. Do you think your sex education experience could have been enhanced by an inclusion of sexual diversity?

17. Do you think your sex education in school made you more or less likely to have sex? How so?

18. Do you have any other questions, comments, suggestions?

Thanks a bunch for taking a look at what I've been up to.

grad school

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