Dec 22, 2005 22:47

Tonight was great. It was really refreshing. Cortney and I had a long talk with Hofacker, Jordan, and Jacob. We talked about boys and girls and relationships. Basically, we had SEX ED in a McDonalds. lol. It was cute and nice.

AND I saw AMBER! It was so random and great. I met her mommy too and she was cute :] I can't wait to hang out with her SOON.

I'm completely happy right now and... I don't want you or like you. It's weird and scary.

7 months, 1 week, 5 days.

edit;; I know this post was all happy and stuff at first, but you know what? I am getting SO TIRED of people not being intellectual and in depth about the way they're feeling. I keep talking to all these peaople and they're great and all, but I feel like.. like they only think on the surface of things and it annoys the shit out of me. No one cares anymore. No one thinks anymore. I need to surround myself with smart, deep people... talk about impossible.
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