[Accidental video] Fourth summoning- Spirits of Adstringendum

Oct 04, 2011 02:34

[The video kicks on about halfway through... something. It's two in the morning, and the lights are all off in the study upstairs. There are two circles drawn with chalk on the floor, each one of them ornately decorated with multiple rings, different symbols, and words from ancient languages. Strewn about both circles are small bowls of incense, and the room is lit by strategically placed candles, whose flames rise and flicker with each syllable that comes from Nathaniel's mouth.

He's standing in the smaller circle, utterly calm as he speaks- quickly, efficiently, without missing a beat. The words sound like some dark chant in a long-forgotten language (it's actually Arabic, since that's the closest language he knows to wherever this spirit had originated, but there's a little Hebrew in there to reinforce the bonds).

Finally, he stops and takes a deep breath, before shouting out the name. Faisal.

And then, silence. It looks as if the summoning was a failure at first, but Nathaniel doesn't move. He waits. He watches.
At once, all the candles are snuffed out, eliminating all of the light within the room, throwing the feed into darkness. There are sounds, though- grating sounds, squelching, screaming, and finally, finally, a soft glow, coming from the center of the previously-empty second circle.

The glow illuminates both the room and the calm look on Nathaniel's face- it seems to be coming from a small dot of floating light contained within the larger circle, which quickly arranges itself into a light blue cobra- too large to be a natural snake, and still glowing. There's no words for a long moment, before the snake turns its snout up toward Nathaniel and speaks- English, oddly enough, despite the vocal limitations of its form.]

'What is your wish?'

[The feed cuts out before Nathaniel's response.]

[[ooc: I've been given the go-ahead for Nat to summon his first spirit! This guy, Faisal, is just one of the many things that has floated around Ads (haunting the Taj Mahal, to be precise), and he will now be in service to Nat. For now, he's just going to be doing simple things, like guarding Nat and doing the dishes, but who knoooows what the future hoooolds. 8D For Bart readers, Faisal is about the Ads equivalent to a decently powered foliot]]

research research research, knowledge is power, faisal the slightly boring, summoning is serious business, you weren't supposed to see that, burning the candle on three ends, where are my demons, tame the animus, part of my master plan

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