Directions and method: Dither for half your day about what to make for dinner and about not wanting to go to the grocery store to buy things as you are going to be gone for two days in a day and a half. Decide to buy something. Dither for a while longer about what you want to buy. Fret about the cost of this place vs. that place and the fact that you will need meals for a few days. Say 'fuck it' and drive to KFC when you get off work. Order. Do not share a sense of camaraderie with the guy who didn't understand that one line was going to two tills and that the lady asking for the next person meant him. Also refuse to acknowledge his eye roll at how slow the workers are working when he ordered from the taco menu and the tacos are made to order, instead of just having to shove a bunch of chicken into a bucket. Go home. Eat.
I love cold fried chicken I wish their fries reheated better though.