Jul 23, 2017 05:59
Finally started out at the new job and it's been a whirlwind. Yesterday was Day 5/6 and it's up and down. Some day, it's good and some are just plain bad. I had a good day yesterday.
There was a patient who everyone wrote off as a drug seeker. Nothing else works other than big-gun opiate for her HA. She fired a doc and she was given to me. I went to see her and I hear nurses saying she cusses everyone out. She yells. She was very hateful. But I could see that she was in agony. She kept asking for morphine and I just refused. But I worked with her and compromised on some other medications. She sounded pretty reasonable. I had her agree to try some other interventions for her HA. Morphine is not the treatment for HAs. And from what she told me, it sounded like a migraine.
The next day, she was still in pain. Nurses say she is melodramatic and she can act. I tried different regimen for her migraine. Nerve block injections was best for her but I probably don't have the privilege to do it yet. Consulted Neuro to do it but they said they don't. Finally, they tried one medication that worked! And overnight, her migraines resolved and she was a totally different person.
I actually do not believe her to be a drug seeker at all. People just didn't realize that it is a migraine and so did not look for the proper treatment for her. To probably get rid of her, they just gave her morphine or even stronger ones and of course it works. It kills almost all pain. But then, it comes back and the cycle continues.
It was so rewarding to see her migraine resolve and see her well.