Jul 27, 2013 19:58
Had one of the best surprises- ever, in my life today. I came back home with a friend and opened the door to find the kitchen table filled with food, candles lit on a cheesecake and dark red roses next to a birthday balloon. It was my birthday celebration!! I was so not expecting that.
I was not expecting anything cuz I thought my birthday was not coming for months! If you asked me separate dates, I knew it is late July now and I knew my Bday was Aug 9 but I just hadn't put them together. I was sitting down at the table, still thinking it was too early cuz my birthday was not for months! So yeah, I was totally oblivious to all the planning Dan did. He was in cahoots with this friend of mine to keep me away from the house longer.
It was amazing. He had the kitties participate by putting bows on their backs! It was the cutest thing. They didn't hate it that much but we removed them soon after. Thank you so much for the most wonderful meal and the most thoughtful way of doing it and the bestest gift, hon!!
Guess what Dan got me? He got me the most sparkling diamond dangly earrings!! Pictures coming soon! This was the perfect ending to the perfect weekend at the beach cuz Dan and I won't be seeing each other for the next two months. I'm doing away rotations (a month long each) back to back and he's traveling back to back to back.
via ljapp