Dec 11, 2009 15:13
Not going to the Y today. Shoveling the driveway instead. It satisfies the cardio requirement, no question, but it's not exactly ergonomically correct for the knees and back.
My next house will not have a driveway facing into the wind across from a flat, open 20-acre field. I've said this before, but it bears saying again. I don't think we got more than two or three inches, but the end of the driveway is a foot and a half deep.
My next house will, however, be properly sealed and insulated, if I have to tear every wall apart and rebuild it myself to achieve this. I put insulating tape on the LR side windows yesterday, which did a nice job of eliminating drafts from them... and thus allowed me to clearly perceive the bitterly cold draft coming from, as far as I can tell, behind my video shelves. It seems that every time I fix a leak in this place, it only emphasizes another leak.
Managed to get the car out of the unshoveled driveway this morning to get the cat to the vet, nearly killing us both in the process. I also, thanks to a very small and brief lapse of judgment, caused minor damage to both my car and something that is not exactly mine anymore. Still processing what I'm going to do about this.
I've been having such small lapses a lot lately. Don't like it. At all. This is not how my brain is supposed to work, and not how it has worked in the past. It's probably due to stress, everything is probably due to stress, but that isn't an explanation that leads to a solution. And I need to solve this; it's bad enough when it's just me tripping over my boots, but I hate it when my mistakes impact other people, and when it happens while I'm driving, it's downright scary.
...And it doesn't look like I'll be shoveling any more today. It's snowing sideways with great enthusiasm now. So much for the one thing I tagged for my sense of accomplishment for the day.
On the plus side for the day, Cat3 caught a mouse in the pantry this morning. Good kitty!
next house,