Jan 02, 2006 07:46
So, the plan was to stay up all night, and get back on a school schedule, but nobody wanted to stay up with me.. I did it anyways.
I don't update often, only when I feel the need to... and now, obviously I feel the need to. Don't know why I do, I just do. Lately my life's been, pretty darn good if I do say so myself. Christmas wasn't too bad, the few good things I was supposed to get I can't get until later, but I can wait. New Years Eve was pretty good too. I spent it with my girlfriend, and my little sister Mia, hahaha. It was very entertaining.
I can't really put my finger on it, but I have this feeling, right now. At this very moment. Since about 5 this morning.. it has been bugging me because I don't know what it is? It's this kinda... dried out, yet moist, caring, but don't care, awake, but still sleepy kinda, moderate... weird... thing. I don't have any idea of what I'm talking about anymore. Shut up, you chose to read this yourself.
New Years Resolutions haven't ever really been for me. I know lots of people make them, but how many of them actualy remember what they even are after just the first week or 2 of the new year? Either way, if I were to have a New Years Resolution that I would do my best to follow throughout this year would be to work gymnastics to my limit, and try and get a scholarship of some sort. Even if the scholarship was just a dollar or something, I know I'm no Nick Persino, so I don't expect much. But that would be very awesome. I know that that resolution would be incredibly hard to do, which is why I probably won't even follow it anyways. So I've saved you the job of telling me it's impossible.
So today, I kinda feel like just sitting at home. I'd probably be too tired to do anything anyways?
Uhm, Wolf Creek was definately like.. the best movie ever x100, it totally like.. kicked Chicken Little's ass.
and I think that covers it.
what the hell are "tags"?