So how have you all been?
I haven't had the time or inclination to post much lately; at work, I'm either pretending to be busy, or researching bike stuff. At home, I'm either doing dishes, laundry, or looking at p0rn. I have lots of laundry to do because I'm at the gym a lot, a lot!
One other reason that I haven't posted, even quick updates, is that I like to prattle on and share the long winded story version of what's going on in my life, and I would rather not reduce it to bullet points. The result = silence. I have been posting pictures on
Flickr like crazy; each group of pictures could be a post, but somewhere between "could be" and "becomes," the system breaks down. I think the
GTD people call it execution. So what's the compromise between bullet points and the LJ equivalent of War And Peace? Um. I dunno, how about an outline? Bullet paragraphs? We'll see how it works out. I've got 20 minutes. (a quick aside, I erased "don't know," and typed "dunno," and the spell check feature didn't flag it. What is this world coming to?)
- Bullet paragraph number 1, Thanksgiving: Nothing to report, really. Too busy, too long ago. Nice dinner, no family drama. Ate too much. Went for a 1.2 mile walk after dinner because I was too full to just sit around. I also took some time to do some spinning on my road bike on the rollers, in the basement. I'm really trying to make sure I do at least some cardio every day, even the off days.
- Bullet Paragraph number two, Jonathan's Birthday: Jonathan's birthday was the same weekend as Thanksgiving. At his request, I managed to postpone the family birthday party for a week or two.
pathoffman was trying to throw together a surprise party for him, but he vetoed it. Still, I skipped 6:15 a.m. spinning class on Black Friday and ventured into the fray to pick up a birthday present that he told me not to get. He was very pleased. We had a few friends over and watched Iron Man on Blu Ray. He had to wait another week to collect the very cool gifts from Pat. This megaphone was Pat's way of making good on a threat and perpetuating an inside joke. And YES, he has used it to "send" both of us to the kitchen. I can't wait until Project season starts at his Mother's house this spring. The Tshirt with the lawn chair on it was discontinued at Threadless, so it will have to wait. Speaking of Jonathan, he has lost 145 pounds since his surgery. He is almost 8 months ahead of the normal schedule. I hope he doesn't dissappear completely! That's like a whole person! (well, not a grown person, but both of his 17 year old sons weigh about that)
- Well, I'm out of time. I'll have to pick this up later. Thanks for listening.