Sep 17, 2004 13:42
Omg lastnight Colin from nextdoor to me was robbed whilst he was upstairs getting ready for work. He said he came down and saw two people trying to nick the dvds in the lounge. He ran after them and tripped and twisted his leg on the patio doors and cut his hand too. And he called the police and they said theres no evidence of a break in I mean hello? they were there when he came down thats evidence enough!
What does it take for one of the police to catch these guys red handed? cause it's not the first time these guys have robbed our estate and it wont be the last if the police carry on like they are doing being so fucking stupid!
But the gate in our garden was open only my dad locked it in the afternoon when the guy came to read the meter.
And my cousin Carl was robbed when he and his fiance Vicky(who I hate) were upstairs getting ready to go out the other night and their car sterio and a few dvds,cds and their laptop computer was nicked!
And my aunt Denise who owns a newsagent the post office part was robbed by gun point this morning so she's shaken up cause she was robbed by gun point a few yrs back.
I mean whats this world coming to? can't the police be bothered anymore?, my grandma said that when my mum was little that they had the police living in every erea round wythenshawe.Not as many people were robbed cause they knew that the police would get them.
But the police are just soooo fucking lazy these days all they do is sit on their arses and do NOTHING. they don't care about people being robbed all they care about is getting people for tax thats it their fucking stupid and gormless.