Aug 25, 2004 15:56
I finally got the font I want on my journal *hugs computer* rightnow mum and dad are finnishing off the kitchen dad's taking the cupbard doors off and mums finnishing painting above the cooker! I'm listening to a live version of *Dollparts* rightnow and they just shouted at me and said Courtney can't sing and to turn my music down cheekey sods she can sing a million times better than they can I just discovewrd bold and underline on sunday I think its cute :)!.
Anyway I just put my headphones on and they stopped moaning thankgod!. Dad forgot to call the dr for my rpt perscription for my asprin but apparently I have to go in before I go in hospital for a check to see if I've been takeing them which I havnt but I dont tell mum and dad that I dont like taking them they give me a headache! I know I thought asprin was supposed to get rid of a headache not cause one.
I'm not doing anything for the rest of the day but mum said she'd help me put my chester draws in my wardrobe later later so I think were going to do that after tea I tidyed it all up this morning and took down two bin bags full of clothes I dont ware anymore so I'm gonna take then to the oap shop tomorrow incase anyone wants them.
Moonlight mile is on tonight with Jake ♥ Gyllenhaal and Dusting ♥ Hoffman I think he's quite hot for an old guy! he was really good looking in Kramer v's Kramer!
anyway thats all I have to report so I'm gonna go now bye