Jul 16, 2005 19:09
Hey, kids! Gather round, listen to how my day has been...
I awoke today at around 9:30, with a dentist apointment at 10:15. During my visit to the dentist, I was told I'd have to return in 2 weeks to get two (yes TWO) fillings done, one of which is on a wisdom tooth. Now, I can handle needles and things, but fillings I have a problem with. This is because the first filling I ever had in my early teens was done without any anesthetic whatsoever, which was probably the most physical pain I've ever went through. Anyway, with that over and done with, I came home and sat for a bit. I then went into town to meet Brian and Connel to go and take a visit to the "DAEDALIAN AND WHAT THE DEAD KNOW PRIVATE REHERSAL ROOM!!!" (capitals and exclamation marks neccessary). So this was done.
On the plus side, we got alot done in the room. Well, I say "we", I mean "they". I just sort of sat there and made a handle for the door out of a block of wood. On getting ready to go I was looking for my iPod, and then thought I must've left it in Tino's car. It wasn't there. Then it hit me. On the train in the way in. I put it in a greggs bag so it wasn't weighing me down, and I don't remember leaving the train with a greggs bag. So that's that, my iPod is on a train somewhere. Or, more realistically in some wee guys pocket.
My teeth still hurt from the x-ray clamps that cut my gums at the dentist too.