May 20, 2004 11:28
Has anyone ever been into one of those Motherhood stores in the mall? If you haven't, it's were knocked up broads go to get shit to wear. Maternity clothes is the proper term for it I think . Somehow I got talked into going into this shithole. The first thing I noticed about this place is there's a faint smell of what appears to be sour breast milk. (Yes, I would know what that smells like) The clothes in this place all look like shit. I seriously feel sorry for the bloated hormone crazed emotional wrecks that are desperate enough to drop tons of their husband's hard earned money for that garbage. The only redeeming thing about this place are the dressing rooms. First of all, they're huge. I mean you could fit an entire mexican family in on of these fitting rooms. Then to top it off, they have these pads you put around your mid-section so you can see what the clothes will fit like when you're at maximum preggers. I can just imagine the looks of terror these women have when they put this thing under a dress they're trying on. I bet some of them break down in tears. I hope they keep any wire coat hangers around that store. It almost makes me want to feel sorry for these women. Oh wait a minute... no it doesn't. I do feel sorry if the husbands who get dragged into the place though.