Nearing Normal Part I

Nov 18, 2012 20:23

Nearing Normal Part 1
Author: Kneady RN aka Angela
Rating: PG this chapter will be steaming up in the future
Notes: This is a future AU story based on everything up to S4 E6. I don't really know how things are going to go with Kurt and Blaine this season. I hope for a reunion but it's not looking good at this point, so i wanted to make sure they got a happy ending in the future. I got this idea from another RMurphy production (I'll let you figure it out).
At this point, I'm not sure how long the story will be, I'm up to like 4 chapters about now, and I keep thinking of more ideas for the boys and this story. I do promise that it won't take me a year to post the whole thing.
All comments are loved and appreciated, especially if you like it and would like to read more.

Kurt Hummel sat dejectedly at the bar, nursing his drink, all the while feeling very sorry for himself. It had just been an overall crap week. He had been told, once again, that his writing was good, but still wasn’t what the producers were looking for. They wanted something with more punch, something more comical, something less Kurt. He thought it was going to be so simple when he moved to LA, he was the toast of NYC and everyone told him that he was going to be huge in LA, now 4 years later, he was still scrambling for recognition and steady work. He figured that he could always go back to New York, but he considered that to be kind of like giving up, and the one thing that Kurt Hummel refused to be was a quitter. But this latest setback had really been a blow. He had been practically assured that they were going to buy his script and give him his big break. Instead all he heard was everything that was wrong with his idea and how there was no way in hell they would be putting money into this until it had been through some serious tweaking.
It had felt like a punch right into his solar plexus. Some days all he wanted to do was to go home to Lima.

And what made everything worse, he had no one to talk to about all this. His last significant relationship had ended a year ago and there had been a huge drought ever since. It’s not that he didn’t get offers, he got those all the time. The problem was, all these offers were just that, offers without the hope or promise of something more. He had tried the casual sex route when he first moved here and it had been a miserable few months. He was the kind of man that needed more, but Hollywood, he discovered, was a place that gave very little. He seriously wondered how he had lasted so long here, or better yet, why.

“Kurt? Kurt Hummel?” Kurt’s head snapped up at the sound of his name and the voice from which it had came from.

“Blaine!” He exclaimed as he turned to face his first love. “How . . .” His words were cut off as Blaine’s arms surrounded him in a warm hug. Tears began sliding down his cheeks as Blaine held him tight.

“I can’t believe you’re here.” Blaine murmured into Kurt’s neck. “It’s been so long.” Kurt nodded. It had been a long time, a really long time. Blaine finally loosened his hold and pushed Kurt at arms length to look at him fully. “You look great, really.” Kurt shrugged and wiped at his eyes. He didn’t think he had changed all that much.

“And you look amazing. Love the hair.” Blaine gave a slight smile. He ran a hand through his short, ungelled curls. Kurt reached up to touch, but pulled back quickly once he realized what he was doing.

“It’s okay.” Blaine grasped his hand and held it up to his head. Kurt ran a tentative hand through those familiar tendrils. “I missed that.” He looked at Kurt longingly. “And I’ve missed you.” Kurt’s heart dropped into his stomach. He hadn’t expected that admission so soon and yet so long in the coming.
Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand and squeezed it tightly.

“How have you been? I haven’t heard anything about you in . . .” He tried frantically to remember when was the last time he had heard something about Blaine and or his whereabouts. “Years.” Blaine gave him another soft smile.

“I’m good, really good. I, uh, am here celebrating tonight.” Kurt raised an eyebrow at that comment. “Yeah,
I actually just graduated from medical school.” Kurt stared at him in stunned silence. He hadn’t seen that one coming. Blaine ran a nervous hand through his hair.

“Wow, that’s great. I never knew that that’s what you wanted to do.” He imagined that there were quite a lot of things about Blaine now that he would have never guessed.

“Well, I was in my junior year and it occurred to me that, yeah, I love music and performing, but I wanted to do more. So, I buckled down and for the next year, I worked my ass off and it paid off. I got into med school at UCLA, and . . .”

“Here you are.” Kurt finished. He couldn’t believe it. He and Blaine had been in the same city for the past four years and they hadn’t run into each other once, not until tonight. Kurt pulled him in for another quick hug. It felt so familiar holding him in his arms.

“What are you doing here? I mean, here in LA. Last I had heard you were writing for magazines in New York. Everyone said you were doing well.”

Kurt snorted softly before answering. “I’ve been out here for almost five years now. I moved here to try and make it as a screenwriter or tv writer. Everyone said this is where I should be for that to happen.” He shrugged.

“And?” Blaine asked curiously, wondering if he had maybe watched something Kurt had written.

“And, nothing. I’ve written for a few shows, all which were promptly cancelled. And I’ve written a few screenplays but so far no one’s been interested in making them.” He shrugged. “I’ve been thinking that maybe I should head back to New York. It just doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen for me here.” He stared at his shoes, ashamed to have to admit his failings to Blaine.

“Oh” was all that Blaine could think to say at the moment. They stood there quietly for several minutes.
Blaine was the one who finally broke the silence. “I . . I’m with my friends.” He pointed to a group of three men sitting at the table, all staring at the two of them. Kurt nodded. “But, I want to talk to you some more. Do you have any plans for later?”

“No, none.” And if he had, he would have cleared his schedule immediately. “But don’t you want to celebrate with your friends?”

Blaine gave him another soft smile. “I . . . there’s something else I’d rather celebrate.” He pulled Kurt closer to him, whispering in his ear. “And someone else I’d much rather celebrate with. That okay?”
Kurt nodded furiously. “Give me a few minutes. I’ll be right back.”

Kurt stood there in shock as he watched Blaine walk back over to his friends. He couldn’t believe this was happening, after so long, and so many years apart. He sat back down as he considered what had led him to this moment now. Had it really been nearly eight years since they had last seen one another. After their break up they had run into each other a few times in Lima on holidays, and after that last run in, Kurt had skipped going back there for holidays. It hurt too much to see him. He sipped his drink as he looked over at Blaine who was explaining to his friends that he needed to go. He had heard from his dad and other members of the Glee club that Blaine had gotten into some fancy school somewhere on the east coast, and other than that, there had been much else that Kurt had learned in the following years. Sure, he could have found out more had he wanted to, but it had just been easier not knowing.

“Hey” Blaine’s voice breaking into his thoughts. “These guys, they wanted to meet you.” Kurt gave him an anxious smile. “I told them how you were my first boyfriend, and . . .”

“And we just had to hear all about Blaine in high school. He‘s always so closed mouth about that.” The tall one with blue eyes interjected. “Mike Swanson.” He extended his hand towards Kurt. Kurt grasped it and shook it firmly.

“Kurt Hummel. Pleasure to meet you. You’re all friends of Blaine?” His gaydar wasn’t at all pinging with this group of men.

“We’re all in the same med school class. We dragged Blaine here, he just hasn’t had much of a social life for the last four years. Good thing we did.” He waggled his eyebrows at Blaine. “Stuart Markowitz.” Another hand extended towards Kurt.

“Well, I’m not as smart as you guys are. I had to study harder.”

“Right Anderson. That’s the only reason.” He gave Blaine a wink. “Les Martin, pleasure to meet you.“ Another strong hand wrapped around Kurt, giving it a quick shake. “So, tell us all about Blaine in high school. We have a bet going that he was a bit of a preppy.” Kurt laughed softly.

“Just a bit.” Blaine gave him a look, one that he knew that if he didn’t shut up, there would be hell to pay later. “I think he may have had more bowties than socks.” They all laughed loudly, looking at Blaine with faked shock. Blaine stood there silently, rolling his eyes.

“Anderson, why doesn’t that surprise me?” Les teased. “What else can you tell us about our young Dr. Anderson Kurt?”

“Um, he was, I mean, he is, a great singer. He could take my breath away just listening to him.” They all turned and looked at Blaine strangely. “You didn’t know?” Kurt looked at them incredulously. Blaine stared up at the ceiling, part of him wanting to crawl under the table and the other part wanting to jump into Kurt’s arms after that last comment.

“No, he somehow managed to skip that little piece of information. What else did you fail to tell us Blainey?” Blaine just tried to look as innocent as possible. Stuart looked at him waiting for any additional information. “Come on Kurt, what else you got on him?”

“Not a thing. He was pretty boring other than that.” Kurt looked at Blaine who mouthed a silent ‘thank you’.

“Well guys, don’t you have wives and girlfriends waiting for you?” Blaine asked, hoping they would get the hint.

“Yeah, so I guess you won’t be joining us, eh Anderson?” Mike asked mischievously.

“I’ll have to take a rain check. Give them my regards, won’t you?” They all gave him a quick hug before heading out the door.

“Nice to meet you Kurt,” Stuart called out, “But next time, we want more dirt.”

“You got it,” Kurt yelled back. He turned and looked at Blaine who was a lovely shade of red. “They seem really nice. Straight, but nice.”

“They’re probably the only reason I’m graduating. I don’t think I could have gotten through the past four years without them.”

“So how come they don’t seem to know a lot about you. I can’t believe that you never sang for them or told them you sing.” Kurt was still trying to wrap his brain about that one.

“You want another drink, I need one.” Blaine muttered as he motioned for the bartender. “Shirley Temple?”
Blaine smirked as he asked. He didn’t really want to go into why he didn’t sing anymore, it wasn’t like it was a big deal or anything, it’s just that sometimes he wondered if he was really making the right decision by becoming a doctor and giving up on his music.

“No, think I outgrew that drink a few years ago, Moved up to something a little stronger.”

“Do tell Mr. Hummel. It’s on me.”

“Cosmo.” Kurt replied with as little irony he could muster. Blaine laughed but said nothing before ordering a cosmo for Kurt and a vodka tonic for himself.

“Cheers.” Blaine said as he handed Kurt his drink. “To . . .” he paused as he considered what to drink to.

“To old friends.” Kurt said before clinking his glass against Blaine’s.

“And new beginnings.” Blaine said quietly before taking a sip from his glass. His eyes locked onto Kurt’s as he drank. Kurt nearly choked on his cosmo. “You okay there?” Blake asked as he patted Kurt on the back.

“Fine, fine.” Kurt finally sputtered.

“Maybe we should have stuck with the Shirley Temple’s for you.” Blaine teased as he rubbed his hand on Kurt’s back. “Can we get out of here?” Blaine asked suddenly. Kurt blinked furiously, surprised by the question.

“Um, yeah, sure” he murmured. “Where do you want to go?” He wasn’t sure what exactly Blaine had in mind. Whatever he wanted, Kurt was more than game.

“Somewhere quiet, where we can talk.” His eyes lowered as did his voice. “I’ve got so much to say to you.”

“Oh, okay. I know a place not too far from here. You ready?” Kurt quickly drained the rest of his drink.
“You heard of a place called Birdys, it’s about a mile up the road.” Blaine laughed softly. He really couldn’t believe what life was throwing at him. “What’s so funny ?”

“Birdys is one of my favorite places. I go there all the time.” Kurt stared back him incredulously.

“I go there all the time, I do some of my best writing there.” He laughed, ‘wow’ he thought, the universe was certainly having a good time on his account today. “You want to walk, or should we drive?”

Blaine shrugged. “Well, as my ride just left, I’ll let you decide.”

“Ok then, come on Dr. Anderson, I’ll drive.”

blaine, kurt, glee, klaine

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