
Jun 15, 2009 01:07

So it's been awhile... a long while... but I dont have anything new for you... not really anyway. What I do have is my love for a fairly new website, that Derick told me about tonight. Called Omegle, it's pretty much a one on one chatroom, with infinite possibilities.
Derick told me that all he gets are furries and scataholics, but I seemed to get a fairly intelligent person, at least for my first try. We did slip into some 4chan talk at the end, but all in all, it was quite engaging. And now I want to post it. So here you go, unedited, and uncut. Enjoy! (It's under a cut, because it is LONG!)


Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: yo

Stranger: do you believe in god?

You: is this a trick question?

Stranger: no

You: can i say that im agnostic?

Stranger: no

You: well... that defies answering then..

Stranger: agnostics are pussies

You: not true

Stranger: true

You: explain

Stranger: because the answer to the question "does god exist?" DOES have a definite answer

Stranger: even if we don't know it yet

You: well... i'll give you that

Stranger: treat it as a scientific theory

Stranger: which it is

You: but i dont have a outlook that states "yay" or "nay" at this point in my life, so im agnostic, im open to the possibility, but unsure of the possibility at the same time

Stranger: i guess the real distinction is, like richard dawkins says, a "temporary agnostic in practice" or a "permanent agnostic in principle

You: how is that being a pussy

Stranger: because you think there might be a god

You: i'd like to be scientific about all of this, but the fact is, its pretty exemplary that we are where we are as a species

Stranger: no, it isn't

You: to say its all natural, is a stretch, and to say its divine, is also a stretch

Stranger: read the god delusion

Stranger: it only had to happen ONCE

Stranger: then darwinism took it all from there

Stranger: and darwinism is perfectly logical

You: i agree

Stranger: think about the size of the universe

Stranger: how many planets there are

You: i cant, its too big

Stranger: now, even if the odds were 1 in a billion

Stranger: it would still happen on probably billions of plaents

Stranger: have the capacity for life i should say

You: i would have to agree that life, in any of its forms, is out there

You: probably in our own solar system

Stranger: most probable

You: ok... well, getting back to your original question

You: what does life on multiple planets, in multiple galaxies, across light years of space and time, have to do with god?

You: you beleive that god formed all life?

Stranger: that's the idea of a god

Stranger: a conscious creator

Stranger: and obviously i don't believe god formed life

Stranger: because god doesn't exist

You: well now, there it sits

You: so, im a pussy, because i wont make that claim?

You: im not unwilling to make that claim for the fact of fear

Stranger: that's what almost all agnostics i know secretly harbor

Stranger: pascal

You: im unwilling to make that claim because there is no way i can, or probably ever will, know what truly lies out there

You: human life is but a candle wick in time

Stranger: and that's exactly the defeatist attitude richard dawkins attacks

Stranger: but you admitted that the existence of god is a scientific question

Stranger: there IS an answer to that

Stranger: do you know how many times prominent scientists have claimed that we would never be able to know something?

You: all scientific questions have an answer... even if it turns out to be incorrect

Stranger: but not all of them have answers right now

Stranger: so it's defeatist to just sit back and say we probably won't ever be able to find out

You: so how do you propose i quarrel with the issue of a yay or nay answer to this conundrum

You: i can say yes, i can say no, but that doesnt make it right either way

You: because ultimately, i can be disproven

Stranger: that's the whole idea of science

Stranger: nothing would ever be discovered if someone didn't put forth their theory

You: i dont think there is anything wrong, with being wrong

You: i dont think that at all

Stranger: and then it's put to the test

Stranger: of course not... in fact, science needs wrongness

You: but, its hard to test something that ultimately is out of our grasp

Stranger: but there you go again

You: dont you agree that god, is out of our grasp?

Stranger: no

You: ok, wait

You: if you mean, that god, as a being made up by human life, is a model for control... then i agree with you, it is not out of our grasp, because it is a form of control

You: im speaking in terms of a serious existential question here... like, a being... that is intangible

Stranger: once again, defeatist

Stranger: they didn't think we'd ever be able to determine the chemical compositions of stars either

Stranger: and ultimately, if it's a scientific question there IS an answer out there

Stranger: even if it seems beyond all our technology

You: stalemate?

Stranger: of course, the christians will just say "god is beyond all human logic"

You: fuck the christians

Stranger: and i reject that as a cop-out

You: psychophantic puppets

Stranger: science has already defeated religion

Stranger: the battle is over

You: or however that is spelled

You: i will agree with you on that, 100%, if you look at the decline of major religion, it is going downhill... fast

You: and, i wont miss it

Stranger: are you an american?>

You: yes

Stranger: i am too

You: state?

Stranger: and unfortunately we seem to be the only civilized nation who is so obliviously idiotic when it comes to religion

Stranger: massachusetts

You: im in washington, not DC

Stranger: state?

Stranger: as in washington state

You: there are alot of european nations who still cling to many of their daily catholic ideals

You: yes

You: i always say washington, and people assume DC

Stranger: poland is a pretty backwards country

You: i know a few people who were raised catholic, and it strikes me as interesting that most of them have strayed so far from the church, and especially the vatican

Stranger: i was raised catholic

Stranger: i even have gone to catholic school all my life

Stranger: anyone with a brain can see what bullshit it is

Stranger: they're either just brainwashed or closet atheists who are scared

You: it is somewhat more rare to find it on the west coast -- agreed

You: so you spent all your school years in catholic school

Stranger: yep

You: yikes

You: all i gotta say

You: my parents used to force me to go to sunday school, but it was lutheran

You: we didnt do much

You: sing, and talk about jesus, and... all the made up story book tales

Stranger: i was forced to go to church until the time i was 15 or so

You: what happened at that point?

Stranger: confirmation ;)

You: blood of christ, yadda yadda?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: reject satan etc.

Stranger: sure whatever

Stranger: the good thing is it means you're considered a mature adult in the church

Stranger: and can make your own decisions

Stranger: of course my decision is to sleep in sunday mornings

Stranger: plus you get a shitload of money from family members

You: i'm a server, i work brunch on sunday mornings... but it's a hell of a lot better than going to church...

You: like, 1000% better

Stranger: church is the worst thing ever

You: shit

You: i cant word this right

You: ok

You: so, i have a five year old child

You: and im young, 25

You: she has never been to church, except with her mom

You: and somedays i feel like i've deprived her of the right to choose

You: but, she is unable to make choices at her stage in life

Stranger: exactly

Stranger: and that's what religion (especially catholicism) preys on

Stranger: you're a catholic from the moment you're conceived

You: and when she is older, she will not be ingraitiated with the idea of church

You: so, she will probably never be involved in it

Stranger: she has better things to do at 5

You: and despite my personal anti-church ideals, i feel like it isnt fair to shape the outcome of her spiritial life because of my own beleifs

You: does that make sense?

Stranger: in a way

Stranger: but also remember that organized religion is SOLELY based off of that very idea

Stranger: pushing your beliefs on others

You: i see what you mean

You: i was about to say, that i wouldnt be pushing my beleifs on her, because i dont beleive in church

Stranger: but it's different because you're advocating the lack of belief

Stranger: yeah

You: however, when she got there, they would

Stranger: whereas they're saying if you don't believe in a magic sky wizard who sent his carpenter son down to earth 2000 years ago to sacrifice himself to save humans from the sin that he himself should have anticipated being omniscient, you're going to hell

You: heaven and hell are made up ideas

You: i know that

You: even if i dont know about god

Stranger: that's the greatest control aspect of religion

You: that doesnt mean i dont beleive in the soul

Stranger: do animals have souls then?

You: that doesnt keep me from eating them

Stranger: do they?

You: i dont know

Stranger: well then why would we have souls

Stranger: if we have souls, animals must

You: soul is just the buzzword...

You: in my mind

You: soul would refer to the inner being of a person, it doesnt have to be spiritual

You: not all cats have the same behavior

Stranger: and why would this have developed in the evolutionary sense

Stranger: because that's all there is

You: they are shaped by the other animals around them, they react differently to different stimuli

You: same thing goes with pretty much all creatures of a higher intelligence

Stranger: that's all darwinian

Stranger: that's not "soul"

You: well, there is the distinct possibility that my idea of the soul is simply not being forgotten

You: i remember my first pet, i dont think she is coming back

You: but i will remember her until i die

You: is it wrong to thing of that as the soul of creatures, and especially, other human life?

You: think*

You: memories are different, they can be intangible, they dont have to require other life to be created

Stranger: i would say soul is a very strong word considering its connotation

You: you can remember that time you dropped a brick on your foot when you were making a garden

You: but remembering how someone or something affected you as a person, and the persistence of that, is different

Stranger: but then doesn't that die when you die?

You: not to the people you have touched, or helped shape

You: it certainly doesnt last forever

You: more than a few generations, probably not

You: but people's imprint themselves on each other, more than any other creature on earth, or anywhere, as far as we know

Stranger: right, and i'll argue that that's nothing more than simple species-species in-group interaction

You: then what is the point? dont get me wrong, i hope to live a full life, and raise my child to be an active member of society, and fulfill all the things that are expected of us as a species... but seriously.. what is the fucking point?

Stranger: you mean why don't i just kill myself then?

You: no

You: because that helps no one

You: i mean, why do we continue to thrive as a species, why continue to procreate... the end may not be nigh, but this planet will die before we do

Stranger: you mean we'll end before the planet does

You: well... in the idea of being a empty barren rock, yes

You: but, look at this planet

You: humans have ravaged it, it is doomed

You: you ever read HG Well's "The Time Machine"

Stranger: biologically it's got millions of years left in it

Stranger: i did when i was younger

You: at some point, Earth will be just like it is in that book, near the end

You: a tidally locked planet, getting ready to sink into its hub star

You: people will be gone, but not all life perhaps

You: its inevitable, despite a destructive species

You: but we arnt helping it, not one bit

You: so, what is the point

Stranger: and that's the folly of super-intelligence

Stranger: the point is that we're ehre

Stranger: here

You: how did you hear about this site?

Stranger: a place called 4chan


You: no fucking way

Stranger: it's the pit of the internet

You: yes, yes it is

You: i stay away from 4chan

Stranger: but once you start going

You: my step bro told me about this tonight

Stranger: you can't get away

You: and he is upset with me, because as he put it "you got someone intelligent?"

Stranger: i never get americans

You: he is sad because all he gets are furries and people who want to talk about scat

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: that's /b/

You: the closest i get to 4chan, is reading about its rediculousness on EncyDram

Stranger: yeah, that website has all the memes and shit

You: its like wikipedia, but for only the cesspool's of the internet

Stranger: yes

You: and... i enjoy it

You: quilty pleasure i guess

You: i dont smoke, so i figure i'm owed

Stranger: /b/ is FBI heaven

If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.

You: LOL, check it: "If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it."

You: that seems... odd

Stranger: haha, i got it too

Stranger: it's probably because /b/ loves to fuck with people

Stranger: i've seen them do that before

Stranger: they make this fake FBI log thing

If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.

Stranger: and pretend to be like underage

Stranger: then they post this detailed, official-looking chat log

Stranger: saying that a unit is on its way or something

You: holy hell, sounds like a 4chan thing

Stranger: it is

Stranger: that's /b/

You: is it like, a personal defense system

You: keep away the outsiders?

Stranger: 4chan?

You: yah

Stranger: it's just the internet hate machine

Stranger: however, when they motivate themselves to a cause, holy shit do people get fuckeed

Stranger: because the site gets millions of hits a day

You: i think one of my favorite "causes" is the internet white knights hating

Stranger: like the POOL'S CLOSED things or mckay hatch from the no cussing club

Stranger: once they find out your phone number/address

Stranger: but when random people just post like... their ex's phone number the response is "not your personal army"

You: oh man, talk about an internet hate crime

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: well i think i'm going to go to bed now, it's 4 AM here

You: fair enough

You: take care

Stranger: by the way

Stranger: i highly recommend Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion"

You: i'll write it down, and check it out this week, for sure

Stranger: he's an oxford evolutionary biology/zoology/etc. professor

Stranger: and an adamant atheist

Stranger: bye

Stranger: stay away from /b/

You: :P

You: kk

You: bye

Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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