Apr 16, 2009 09:59
I usually go through "writing" phases, and sure enough, I haven't written in almost half a year! But I am back on the wagon, and hoping to continue writing about my sweet little boy and our life together.
Jacob is 9 months old and the highlight of every day. My favourite time with him is usually the early morning. He always has the biggest smile for me when I get him from his crib in the morning, and although he's a bit grumpy until he gets his breakfast and morning bottle in him, afterwards we play and play and play. He loves everything that makes any sound, and his grandparents love buying him lots of noisy toys. He is one spoilt little boy. His favourite toy continues to be his "wobbly penguin" that my girlfriend Brianna bought him for christmas. He absolutely adores her and my best friend Melissa. He has a thing for blondes haha. He is a pretty happy baby most of the time. He loves watching other kids play and always has smiles for them.
We have finally met a "baby" friend for him! I met a girl off of a victoria mom's group website and her son was born one day before Jacob. The girl actually went to middle and high school with Craig as well. Her son Nathan is a cutie. We go swimming with them. Jake loves going "swimming", it is funny watching him though because he is always looking so serious. He sits on my lap and watches everything happening around him.
He doesn't have any interest in crawling I don't think. Most kids his age are crawling everywhere, but Jacob is perfectly content just sitting in the same spot playing with his toys. He can amuse himself for a long time now. I have been putting him up on his hands and knees, and he will rock back and forth, but doesn't really move anywhere. Eventually he'll fall down to his tummy and then just cry if he can't reach his toys. I think Craig and I baby him too much and that's why he's not crawling, but what can you do? This whole "being a parent" thing didn't come with an instruction manual.
I also feel a little lost in the whole eating thing. I am clueless on how to transition him to start eating normal food instead of the jarred food. And how much he should be eating. And what kind of snacks I should be giving him. It's a world of guessing. He also likes being babied in this area as well. He'd rather we feed him than try to eat himself. He is not very independent yet. We still even hold his bottle for him. When he was a lot younger, he learned how to hold his bottle himself, but now he has no interest in it! It's frustrating. When we try to teach him how, he'll just scream until we do it for him. How do I fix this? Just in the past few days, he has slowly been getting the hang of the pincer grasp, but mostly he'll just grab the cheerios in a tight fist and won't let go of them that way. And so he won't even put them up to his mouth. I've been putting one in my hand and grabbing his wrist and letting him "pinch" it up from my hand and if he does it that way, he'll be able to get it into his mouth but only if I help him a lot. I'm sure it will come in time. It's just so hard not to compare him to other babies his age. Nathan is already almost walking and eats everything and feeds himself and Jake still likes being a baby. Please tell me I'm not the only parent who has a 9 month old that still wants to be a baby!
The rest of my life is going pretty well aside from me being sick the past few days. Two nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night and my ear was hurting so bad so I ended up going to the emergency room for a really bad ear infection. I haven't had an ear infection since I was a kid, and boy does it hurt! I am on antibiotics and also t-3's for the pain. I can't believe how bad it hurts. The doctor said it was a good thing I came in because it's one of the worst ear infections he's seen and it could have ruptured if I left it any longer. Hopefully it gets better soon. I turned 22 about a month ago. I feel I can actually call myself an adult now haha. It's weird how life goes sometimes. I have friends that still live at home and I feel so much older than them. They don't have the normal expenses adults have! They don't even have to pay rent! Or cook dinner! Or change diapers lol. I have turned into my mother, but that's ok. I enjoy looking after Jacob and Craig. I think back to when I was 19 and Craig and I first moved in together and I didn't know how to cook at all! We mostly went out for dinner or had take out a lot of the time back then. Or cooked really easy things. I have definitely learned how to cook, and we have family dinners now. I've grown up a lot since Jacob was born. We'll see how things go when I go back to work in about a month! Where has time gone?! Craig and I are trying to pay off our debt so we can save up for our wedding :) Planning a wedding is expensive! And I'm so indecisive on things. All we know so far is we want to get married in August of 2010. So we still have quite some time.
I better go put the little rascal down for a nap, he is getting cranky! Oh but one last thing I wanted to say, he learned his first word!!! He now says "mom"! Usually it's mommomomomomom and it's when he is cranky/whining about something, but that's ok! It makes me smile every time when he says mom! Now we're working on dada. Dad's feeling a little left out! Well here's to hoping I write again soon!