Jacob is 7 weeks old now and it's been a roller coaster these past few weeks. I've been producing less milk and less milk and I've finally decided it's too stressful to do the whole pumping route. So formula it is. I stopped pumping and my boobs hurt so bad!!! I can't wait to get through this. Jacob is "talking" more and more every day. Very cute listening to him babble to his stuffed animals when he's kicking in his play pen. He is still up twice a night to eat.. I'm used to the lack of sleep now though. He has started screaming/crying really really loud right after he is done his bottle because he needs to burp. You can just tell it's hurting/bothering him... it sucks! But once he finally gets that burp out he's fine. He woke Craig up this morning (4am) just from screaming so loud. Craig goes "wow I didn't know he could scream like that!" Craig has yet to take a night shift and since he works all day, he doesn't see this side of Jake. I'm waiting for Craig to offer to do a night feeding when he doesn't have to work the next day, but I don't think he will. I don't want to bother him and ask. It's stupid... I'm very passive in our relationship. I do everything around the house, do most of the work with Jacob.. and every time I ask for help he says he will, but then never does. And I don't want to keep bringing it up because I hate fighting with him. My sister is going to look after our dog for a few months until she settles down. I am happy we found a solution that we both agree with. It is going to be nice to be able to go out without worrying what Sally has chewed up while I am gone. I'm feeling kind of depressed today, I'm not sure why but I hope I snap out of it soon. I'm just seeing a lot of the negatives instead of thinking of the positives. I'm sure I'll be fine, as I said I just hate my emotions being like a roller coaster. I'm 7 weeks post partum now and for the most part, I feel like life is getting back to normal, but then I have a day like today and all I want to do is cry. I'll leave you with a picture of Jake :)
This is his "one month" picture. It was actually one day early, but who cares!